You Lucky Americans!!


New member
America is the only true free country in the world. where else is there a constitutional right to bear arms? Real men protect their families themselves,and America gives them the oppurtunity to do just that.
Most other countries have a complete ban on civilian firearm ownership.Look at Britain or Australia, Gun control? Give me a break!
All these stupid laws about gun control dont affect criminals, only decent law abiding citizens.
I am a citizen of India and we do not have a constitutional right to bear arms. It is a privilege given to the rich and influential.
Malaysia, Singapore,Japan,Most Europian countries,Australia, Canada, Mexico, South America and most of Africa do not allow civilian firearm ownership. You Americans have a good thing going, and that wont last very long with people like Bill Clinton in the office. A law is something that exists because the majority want it....Do the majority of Americans want gun control??
How can the Government decide what is good or bad for you?
Most gun control advocates have never been physically attacked by a criminal, are they really willing to wait for the police to show up while their wives and daughters are being raped or their children beaten to death???
Protect your rights good people, or America will end up the way Britain or Australia did.

Give the prey a gun, and all the predetors will run.
But Freedom has a price. Vigilance.
I'm willing to pay.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
We, the people, are tired of being taxed, penalized, supervised, harassed,
and subjugated by a federal government which exceeds the powers
enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
> Do the majority of Americans want gun
> control??

One aspect the gun-grabbers don't get is the right to self defense is unalienable regardless of what the constitution says. & you must have the means. A God-given right cannot be taken away for any reason (even a full repeal of the 2nd). Even if only one person wanted to excercise their right, it is not in the power of any other to deny that right.

> How can the Government decide what is good > or bad for you?

Hey, that's just the nature of the beast. Male dogs wizz on fire hydrants, they just can't help themselves. & besides, they're doing it for you. ;-(

we gladly feast on those who would subdue us
Just so people DON'T get the WRONG idea !
For those that don't know, the ONLY guns that were banned are :
Semi-Auto Rifles
Semi-Auto Shotguns
Pump Action Shotguns
That's the lot !
Still got LOTS of guns left !!! :D
Here's the "odd" bit though......
The DAY BEFORE the "buyback" was to END, the Govt. said that if you were a Member of a Gun Club you could LEGALLY keep your Pump Action Shottie !!
Of course by then 99.9% had ALREADY been handed in !...Grrrrrr :(
Don't get me wrong (I feel bad for the owners of the above guns) but at least for the meantime we've still got Lever & Bolt Actions as well as Handguns left to use.
Complete dis-armament.....
Coming soon to a Country near you ?

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail
The idea about who wants gun control and who gets gun control reminds me of a line from a song I used to listen to in my college days: "...As the 1 percent rules America..."

At the risk of sounding like a Conspiracy-Theory fanatic, the way it seems to be going is that 10% hold about 90% of the power and influence, and through a very clever system of litigation, propaganda, and double-speaking rhetoric, they affect most of the remainder of the population into thinking that guns are evil.

Personally, I would not mind living in a world where guns are no longer needed for personal defense. But the way I see it, that isn't happening this side of the Kingdom of God. And until that comes, I'll hold onto my means of personal defense for as long as I can.


"Corruptisima republica plurimae leges." (The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.)
- Tacitus

Good to hear from another Kansas shooter....BTW, the points you made are so very true. Coming from someone from another country lends an incredible amount of weight.

Noticed in your profile you're a target shooter and you live in Mission. I live in Leavenworth and shoot at the Bullet Hole in Overland Park twice monthly in IDPA matches. Do you shoot there?

Anand, just had to look and see who would write about Americans being so lucky! Sometimes we are hardest on ourselves and we forget how lucky we truly are. We are blessed that our founding fathers understood that government was of the people. And that the people remain the guardians of their own future. As with many countries there is a silent majority that just sits back and listen to the debate. They will only get involved when they understand the freedom that is at risk. No, the majority are not in favor of elimination of the Second Amendment.

An armed society is a polite society.
Hi Mike,
I have'nt been to a range since I moved here from Oklahoma, and I am just itching to get to The Bullethole. I should hopefully be able to make it there on wednesday,15 Dec between 5.30pm and 8.30pm.
It would be great to meet you in person.

The Bullet Hole is a great facility and're gonna love it!

Don't know if I'll make it out there tomorrow night, but our club will be running an IDPA match there Saturday morning...range opens at 0900 and we start shooting at 1000. I plan to be there...if you've never seen an IDPA match and are interested in what it's about, that would be a good time to take a look and meet a bunch of fine people.

If not then, will see you there some other time...we shoot the 2d Wednesday night of the month and the last Saturday of the month...we're shooting this Saturday as the last Saturday is Christmas Day. The local IPSC shooters are at the Bullet Hole every Friday night, starting at about 1800.

If you have any questions or need any info at all, feel free to send me some e-mail.

Greetings anand; Thanks for the kind words
concerning the citizens of the USA. Sadly,
our right's are being taken away by the
present administration that is seated in
the White House. Until we as Americans
stop electing fools such as this; things
will not get any better. We as responsible
gun owner's are a proud breed that stand
heads taller than our opponent's. The only
means that we have to protect these right's
is to join organizations like the National
Rifle Association. And do the right thing
on election day; to defend freedom in America
vote for Senator John McCain R-Arizona for
President Of The United States.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

message edited by Dan H. Ford on 12-14-99