You guys aren't going to believe this!


New member
This is a picture of my wife's first deer ever. She'd been wanting a Ruger Super Blackhawk Hunter for years. I finally found one late last year and got it for her for Christmas. Found a decent scope for it and sighted it in for her about a month ago.

Now my wife's been hunting for about 4 years with me, but maybe only went 5 or 6 times each year. She likes it a lot, but time and kids have made it difficult for her to get out as often as I do. She's never killed a deer in her life before last Monday.

Found a babysitter and took her out. Set her up in a stand that I had seen several does out of during bow season this year. I've been saving the spot since gun season started for just this occassion. I was certain she would shoot a doe since I'd seen so many of them within shooting distance. (Never a buck, only does...)

I set up in a tree not 20 yards from her, just to hang out, enjoying myself. My wife and I both know sign language and we were close enough that we could sign back and forth when we felt like it, that's how close we were.

We'd been sitting there for about an hour when I look over and see her pulling the hammer back on her pistol. I'm getting a little panicky because I'd told her to practice holding the pistol up and finding the sight picture through the scope in case she saw something. (She'd never shot her pistol before either...I didn't want her to fear the recoil so I sighted it in, etc.)

Anyhow, I'm thinking, "What the heck are you doing?! Don't pull the hammer back to practice!!!) Right about then, she pulls the trigger. BAAMM!!! I lean way out around my tree and see this big ole deer flopping around on the ground not 15 yards in front of her!

He'd walked right up on her without making a sound. She had been watching to the left where her idiot husband had told her the deer would come from and he sneaked up from directly in front of her. She turned around and said he was just standing there looking at her. Watched her while she leveled the gun, pulled the hammer back and fired. Never moved an inch. Probably trying to figure out what the heck she was the entire time.

Gentlemen, I have been humbled in a big way. My wife's first deer ever, taken with a pistol. She'd just bought her license that afternoon at walmart for crying out loud!

I'm awfully darn proud of her! Makes the doe I killed earlier this year look pretty pathetic though.:D The taxidermist said she could live to be 90 and never accomplish a feat like she did that day.

Thanks for listening to me boast a little bit.


  • beth.jpg
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Nice buck, Jrsower -

Be sure to congratulate her for me - that would be a good buck for us ol' "seasoned" hunters to come up with! You gotta be so proud, your button are poppin!
Yep - nice buck.

I hunted this year with a handgun for a while. Tough stuff - she should be proud! Now if she does it again next year....

There's no way she could have shot that deer.

She didn't:
Fire 1000 rounds per week.
Experiment with every possible load.
Dry fire 1 million times every night.
Choose a gun that "she could handle".
etc., etc., etc.


Congratulations, I was proud of my wife when she got her first deer.

Congrats! I wish I could get my wife in the Great Oudoors!

Her idea of a day outside is the mall! LOL

Did your wife help you gut too?

I asked her if she wanted me to help her gut it out and she said she figured she'd try to do it herself first. All I did was tell her where and what to cut. She did it all herself. Blood and guts up to her elbows. Dang, I love that woman!:D
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What a great tale! That one will be in the family lore for a few generation, I'll bet. Tell your wife "well done!"