You Don't win on Defense

Jeff White

New member
This year is an election year as everyone knows. Everyone is focusing on the presidential race, but I think we need to start paying attention to the congressional races. That is where the future of RKBA will be decided.

While the 4100 or so members of TFL can't make a big impact on the presidential election, we can have an impact on our local congressional race. Hmmm....what can we do?

In the past I've gone to my friendly gun shop and made the owner a mailing list on my computer and printed him a set of labels. The with his permission, I made a set of labels for myself. I then wrote a personal letter to each person who had purchased a gun and gave him my rundown on why the election was important to him as a gunowner and who was the better RKBA candidate. The last time I did this I sent out about 250 letters and received many postive phone calls and comments. I think this is a good way of doing getting out the vote on our issue, especially if you don't want to get involved with a monetary donation or actually working in a campaign (although these are good options too).

We've been wringing our hands and preaching to the chior and hinting at revolution for the past two years. Let's get active and do something and try to make the system work for us. You might really be surprised how much of a difference you will make in a congressional campaign. You may not realize it, but every one of us is a center of influence. That means that we all have people who think enough of us to be influenced by what we say (scary, huh 'specially when I think of people being influenced by me :) ) We need to reach out to the voters we know who aren't TFL members, to the gunowners who don't think they'll ever come after their shotguns, to the people who get their news from CNN and don't realize how much propaganda it is. We ALL know people like this, friends, co workers, relatives. We've got a little under 11 months to fire these people up, keep them interested and maybe get a few of them to become active too.

My friends, no battle was ever won by fighting defense. Active defense ceased to be doctrine for our military in the early '80s when Air/Land battle was conceived. It's time to attack, it will be a counter attack in many districts, but we must attack.

I challenge everyone here to ad their ideas on how we can attack to this thread. We've got a lot of collective knowledge and diverse experience here, lets see what we can come up with. I've already listed the first idea...whose next?

Jeff, Good idea on the mailing list idea and thanks for the prod to keep working.
Lets say we get a good guy elected, or we don't, then what? We need an offensive tactic for that guy to work on. Please see my thread 'Best Pro Gun Effort'.