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Staff Emeritus
Okay, so I’m behind the times. However, I just happened to surf onto the
Ring of Conservative Sites:


Then I was lucky enough to learn that we are (gasp) CULTISTS!

Hide your church door! Watch down the road for the cattle trailers!
They’ll be coming for us!

Attorney General Janet Reno, "A cultist is one who has a strong belief in the Bible and the Second Coming of Christ; who frequently attends Bible studies; who has a high level of financial giving to a Christian cause; who home schools for their children; who has accumulated survival foods and has a strong belief in the Second Amendment; and who distrusts big government.

Any of these may qualify a person as a cultist but certainly more than one of these would cause us to look at this person as a threat, and his family as being in a risk situation that qualified for government interference." Janet Reno, Attny. Gen., US of A Interview on 60
Minutes, June 26, 1994 Do you qualify? Are you (as defined by the US Attorney
General) a threat? Everyone in this country - The land of the free" - with computer
access should copy this and send to every other man, woman and child who can

I didn’t realize how dangerous you all are - what a threat to national security and
our Socialist American way of life! No wonder you fight King Bubba’s Executive
Orders! You... you... “Cultists!”

Okay, set aside the Christian motif if it offends you. I just wanted to remind us all
what our government thinks of us. We already are considered to be “Cultists”, if
we later try to defend our views (even verbally) it is only a short step to being
called “Terrorists”.

This is representative of our current government - given to us by both the
Democrats AND the Republicans.

Does anyone still believe casting a vote against the Dem/Rep oligarchy is

F. Grump

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited May 29, 1999).]
Ah hell, as a Mormon I have been called a CULTIST all my life! Thats water off a ducks back...

But the remark that is SOLID PROOF RENO SHOULD BE IN JAIL HERSELF is the line that any one of these makes one a THREAT...
Paying Tithing makes one a threat? The Bible teaches about paying tithing - Abraham payed tithing!
Dont get me started on the rest...
I guess all Mormons are a threat to the government...

Wait - not the government... maybe this is personal... and she is really meaning a threat to her person... Well, us Mormons have guns, shovels and a hell of a lot of empty land that could take some filling!


{from the LDS Church: The remarks make by the person using the alias Kodiac, are not official LDS policy. And Kodiac is not an official Spokesman. But most of us agree :)}


[This message has been edited by Kodiac (edited May 29, 1999).]
"Any of these
may qualify a person
as a cultist but certainly more than one of these would cause
us to look at this
person as a threat, and his family as being in a risk situation
that qualified for
government interference."

Eliminating the Christian-related qualifiers, that still leaves 4 for the non-Christians among us....and just by being a semi-regular here on TFL, you have fulfilled the "2 or more". Kinda cool :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
hell, i've been called alot of things, but i've never been called a cultist. I fall under about all of the list but one. oh well!! gotta be something!! ;)

fiat justitia
;) I qualify for all of them!

'nuf said. Time to do some more canning while I listen to my Bible tapes... then write a check to my church... got an history lesson on the 2nd Amendment to teach my kids... write my congressmen about reducing the size of our government... There's just too much to do in a day!



"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited May 29, 1999).]
I don't know where the word "cult" picked up the negative conotations.. It really isn;t that bad, is it? It means being dedicated to a belief, doesn't it? It means belonging to a group that believes in the same things you do, doesn't it ??

When does something stop becoming a cult? When did Christianity become so accepted, that Christians could label others cultists? furthermore, how far have we come when Christians themselves as now seen and labeled, appropriately I might add (no negative meant), as cultists ?
When will patriotism and allegiance to the constitution be labled as "Cult behavior" ?

I guess it already has been, according to Reno.

I would love to see/read the entire transcript of the 60 Minutes show in question. I am definitely not an apologist for Reno, but I wonder if that was the entire message and meaning of the interview. Almost anything can be taken out of context and made to sound bad. An example - I will take a snippet from Rob's previous post: "When did Christianity become so accepted...?". The headline would read, "Internet Leader Questions Acceptibility of Christianity!" Reno just might have prefaced her remarks with, "Some would say..." and end them with "But I personally don't think this is right." and the quote would take on a completely different meaning. Incomplete statements are just as much a lie as a deliberate lie itself. Also, Rob is right about the word "cult", it means caring or devoted and those aren't bad attributes to have. Maybe if more of the world were cultists, it would be a better world.
I have seen the quote before and it has been debunked. Some outfit searched all of the 60 Min tapes and it does not exist. Sadly I have no recollection of my source on that.

Better days to be,

Are you guys trying to say you also arrange your guns is a star-burst pattern and dance about them in your underwear at night? :D

Whew! I thought I was alone.
Just some speculation...

The word "cult" could have easily picked up a bad conotation from the word "occult" which is a descriptive word for satanic worship.

As in, "You belong to an occult."

"You belong to a cult."

It's very easy to get the two mixed up.

Loosely defined (as I don't have a dictionary handy). A cult is a group of people that believe in the same thing and work together under instruction for a common goal.

You could call your profession, your religion, your group of friends, and this body of posters on TFL, a "cult".

And, you know... It's fine by me!


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited May 30, 1999).]
I did a simple search and found the history and debunking of this "quote" at
occult-adjective-1 Of,pertaining to, or designating those mystic arts involving magic, divination, astrology, alchemy, or the like. 2 Not divulged, secret. 3 Beyond human understanding; mysterious. See synonyms under Mysterious, Secret. Noun- Occult arts or sciences v.t. 1 To hide or conceal from view. 2 Astron. To hid or conceal by occultation.

Funk & Wagnalls New Comprehensive Internation Dictionary of the English Language.

I was just curious about the Satan worship bit so I looked it up. While Satan worship is indeed an occult practice it is not true that what is occult is therefore Satan worship. The definition of occultism includes ANY belief in the supernatural.

Byron (who has little belief in anything supernatural)
I been had!

And it's always worse somehow when you do it to yourself. Argh!

With sincere apologies to all concerned, even (choke, gasp) to Janet Reno! (Quick! The smelling salts!) I admit I did not do the "simple search" required to prove this was a hoax. Thank you Mal H.

Sorry for the misinformation. Another prime example of a sucker willing to believe the worst of someone they already despise.

(Damn! We lose the cultist quote and the Hitler quote. What's the world coming to?)

I hereby swear on my Lone Ranger Fan Club membership card that I shall try to do better in the future. (At least next time I'll ask about a quote rather than present it as fact. CYA = Cover Yourself Administratively!)

My fundamentalist belief defines occult as: Any belief in obtaining salvation by any means other than by the belief in the shed blood of Jesus Christ is occult.

In other words if YOU don't believe that Jesus is God's only Son sent to save the world by YOU believing in him YOU are lost.

No one else can believe it for you.

No one else can pray you into Heaven.

No one but YOU can decide.

I'm not trying to preach. Although with Reno's so called definition she is making a feeble attempt to bring the state and church.
This is just another way of trying to distroy the Constitution.

All of you know if you are of the occult or if you are belivers in God and Jesus Christ as or salvation. The Bible tells us that all of mankind has fallen short of the glory of God. Only by God's glorious Grace are we saved least anyone can boost.

You can't work hard enough, you can't give enough only by true and honest belief that Jesus was and is and that he came to free us from our sins and all we must do is believe that he did that for us.

Keep in mind that I'm not judging anyone but in a twisted way Reno is. For me and my house we will trust Jesus.

[This message has been edited by Dennis Glover (edited June 01, 1999).]
The sword of the Lord, and of Spectre, or something like that.

Hell, I can quote half the Bible if it annoys power-hungry social engineers.

Byron: I have enormous belief in the supernatural: especially where women are concerned. I advise more time on your knees in prayer, or something, my son.

Dennis (Glover): so now, you can believe you have no blood on your hands. The thing I love about what some call holy writ is the dual nature of virtually every piece of wisdom offered. Don't throw your pearls to the hogs, and don't give the children's bread to the dogs. Oops...too late.

All: I respect the right of everyone to believe any darn thing they please, so long as they do not intrude on the freedoms of others. I'm pretty sure that makes me a cultist. ;)
Assuming the Wicked Witch of DC did say what she was purported to say, and that the debunking of what she allegedly said was spin, it would seem to put Waco in perspective. Just something to think about.
Paul B.
Well - we all know the TEA CUP ride at Disneyland is the Official Ride of Washington!

in the gospel of Mark,i think, jesus said "and a man have not a sword, let him sell his cloak and buy one"
need we say more??
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