You carry a GUN? Guns are dangerous!!

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My wife has a friend named Debra who moved away several years ago.

Years ago at a party she was in a group of women and somehow the conversation drifted to guns.One of the other ladies talked about her handgun and Debra blurted out "That's crazy! Guns are dangerous.You could hurt someone!!" That went around and around the ladies and somehow it got out that I hunted game and shot handguns. I became involved in the conversation. How could I possibly carry a weapon that I would use to kill someone?? She was really irritated that ANYONE could be allowed have a gun. No logic was reasonable to her. Guns were too dangerous!

Finally I agreed with her. "You are a person who should never have a gun,Debra because someone would surely tke it kill you with it. Maybe if you are around your friends one of them can protect you. They can survive in the world out there better than you.

Yowsers! She walked off and has never spoken to me again. (deleted) On reflection, Some folks survive by ignoring evil. You just can't reason or debate them. I sincerely hope that evil never finds her.

One wonders how many Debra's are out there.
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Guns are dangerous.You could hurt someone!

Your reply:
Yes'um. I hope so. That's the whole reason for the gun.

How could you possibly carry a weapon that you would use to kill someone??

Your reply:
Sure, if they try to kill me first.

Yes there are many "Debras" out there. Male and female. The easier the society, the more you will see. They equilate 'gun free zone' with safety, yet all that does is make it a 'easy victim zone'.

Quite a few people feel all others think the way they do. If they are very reasonable, they feel everyone else is reasonable. If they feel everyone should get things free, they are shocked when they meet people who feel if you don't work, you don't eat.

They do not believe in TINSTAAFL nor self reliance either.
Many, dare I say most, people make their decisions on an entirely emotional level. There is no logic involved and, that, combined with the general human resistance to admitting that we are wrong, makes it nearly impossible to convince any given person that their opinions are mistaken.
"That's crazy! Guns are dangerous.You could hurt someone!!"
That's the whole idea in a nutshell.

How could I possibly carry a weapon that I would use to kill someone??
Because someone may be trying to kill me. I'm all for turning the other cheek, but that takes it a little too far.

Guns were too dangerous!
That's right. That's why I carry one.
Okay,Deaf Smith,I was only going to do a readthrough of this thread,but what in living tarnation is "TINSTAAFL"?Thanks...
I think TINSTAAFL is the silver stuff you put on a Christmas tree. :D

Deaf, imagine that Debra was your sis in law, and that you ate Sunday lunch with you every Sunday. That's my world.

I don't even try to rationalize with her. I carry a long gun on the 4 wheeler with me at all times when I'm at home (farm) Primarily for times when I see coyotes, but hey you never know what you will run up on 1/2 mile off the beaten path. At any rate, every time she sees the gun on the 4 wheeler she makes some lib remark about it and I unappologetically reply, anwhere at any time, something needs killing.

I heard a story once.

Next time you hear someone on their soap box preaching about non violence and how guns, force, violence etc never solved anything and how the only right way is to be passive walk up to them and punch them in the face.... HARD

When they get up and say "That was bad of you but violence is NOT the answer. We can solve our problems through communication" punch them again ... HARD

Keep doing this untill they come to the realization sometimes you just have to PUNCH BACK.
Unfortunately there are too many Debbies in the world. They tend to collect near larger metro areas, apparently. At least that's what I gather from the letters in the local paper up in arms about the gun bills progressing through the TN legislative session this year.

It is frustrating, but Peetza nailed it. The reaction, and response is purely emotional. I have tried to reason, only briefly, with these folks (women and men) before realizing that rational arguments and factual information do nothing to turn this tide of ignorance.

What I find most frustrating is not being able to come up with a method reasoning with this point of view on guns. Obviously, I don't have any friends or acquaintances who feel this way (at least that I'm aware of). I can see and understand where they derive the fear from, but I cannot see why these types have closed themselves off from any discussion from the other side.
Debra is the classic emotional violence is bad, guns are bad,person.

How do they tick??

No doubt she feels morally superior because she is an adamant non violent person. She wears her beliefs on her forehead as a reason to enforce them on others because she feels she is MORALLY SUPERIOR. She denies/ignores reality and will relinquish personal responsibility to attain her "lofty" ideas.If BG's attack her its not her responsibility. Society should be changed.The Police or a new law etc should have protected her.

What really fired her up her and ultimately enraged her was when I implied she was a real liabilty to her friends and indeed MORALLY INFERIOR. Others would have to do what she couldn't or wouldn't!!! She was dead weight!!

In fact her pacifism and non violent co-existance with evil may allow evil to grow and not be confronted till others had to do so.

Bottom line is we all may have to deal with such people so we must be able to show them the bottom line. If it takes violence to confront evil then evil must be confronted and stopped.Failure only means that evil will strike again!!

Suggestions on how to make these people think?? It may take reality a while to break through--

"but I cannot see why these types have closed themselves off from any discussion from the other side."

The same reason why they insist guns are dangerous evil entities with the power to act on their own despite every bit of evidence proving the contrary, ignorance.

Funny, gun owners are usually seen as simple back woods rednecks with no "skoul'n" yet I have found most people that are against owning guns reside in the lower half of the IQ scale
Sad situation you had there. This reminds me of an argument I had with a girl I graduated from high school with.

She and I were both close friends with a teenager killed by a mentally ill individual. My friend and a neighbor's kid were walking down the street and the individual shot them both with 12ga. buckshot, then took his own life. Why? Because he was crazy and had been thinking the neighbor's kid was plotting against him.

Anyways, we got into an argument about guns one day shortly thereafter. She was understandably upset and saw guns as the cause of the problem. She also said that I couldn't have been a true friend to the victim if I didn't feel the same way.

I quickly pointed out to her that crazy people are everywhere, and they will use anything available to kill someone if they want to. There are reasons why people in psychiatric facilities routinely have belts, shoe strings, and other items confiscated upon admittance. He could have just as easily used a knife, axe, or even his truck to do what he did.

We went at it for a while until I finally realized there was no reasoning with her. I did however return to the subject with her a few months later when I found out my murdered friend's mother bought a .38 special revolver and got a Georgia Firearms License following the incident.
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