You are not alone brother.

luger fan

New member
To all those, especially Military Personal, who will spend Christmas alone keep your chin up. We have done this MANY years and survived. It is a bit lonely but the strong can handle it.

Besides the years BEST DAY, Dec. 26, is right around the corner. It gets better.
The VA in your area is always willing to help with problems , only have to call . We are like that series
" Band Of Brothers " your not alone .

All is well

I'll get my input in before the mods shut this down. I prey for all who serve, night and day. They especially come ton mind, this time of year. In the five years I spent in the USN, I spent three Christmas's away from home. That was my time and now it's their time and all is well. ….. :)

Be Safe !!!
6 years in the Marine Corps an additional 10 as a govt contractor working overseas. Lots of holidays away from family.
I get it...

Thank you all for the sacrifices you make so that all of the country can enjoy their rights.

Freedom is not free

I would hope that mods would not be so inconsiderate as to shut this down.

The women and men serving today are my sisters and brothers of a different age.

I remember Christmas 1969 in a "tropical paradise" Banana tree/bush with 50 cal shells, M14 shells, empty C-ration cans (uncleaned) and a few things that are unmentionable but were products of warfare. AND, missing home and family. And in March 1969 shaving mold off of my mama's Christmas fruit cake that had been shipped in and men loving it as if their own mama had made it. Many months old, but we were not worried about dying of food just might happen the next day with one misstep.

To all those women and men serving today, Merry Christmas! We are proud of you and wish you well! And to all my Veteran Sisters and Brothers Thank You For Your Service to This Country!
I would like to thank all military, LEO, hospital personnel, medics and everyone else who give up their time to make us safer, happier and healthier in this country. Happy holidays!
Happy Christmas, guys.
Keep yours eyes and ears peeled, your butt out of trouble, and your urine clean, and there will be more chances in the future.

I spent every major family holiday away from home, from 2002-2007 (except July 4, 2004).
But remember: You're buddies are there too, and they're stuck in the same boat. You're all away from home; but you have each other.

My most memorable Christmas away from home was very unhappy at the time. I spent 22 hours of that day as a passenger on a C-5, flying across an ocean, then between random way-points, and on to aerial refueling, cancelled approach clearances, and circling over bases near the intended destination (with a plethora of system failures, toilets overflowing, and more) ... because Gee Dub-ya made a surprise visit to the destination and no one was allowed below a certain flight level in the air space until he and Air Force One were out of there.

But, now I've got the story to tell, and my family loves me just the same.

A special shout out to my friends currently in unsavory places. -You know who you are.

(And I know that you know, because most of you have internet connections! [Times have changed.] Otherwise, I wouldn't have posted!)
I spent many, many Christmases doing guard duty or charge of quarters (CQ) for which I volunteered to allow those with family to spend it with them. Thank all of you who served and are still serving. I stint was from 1975 to 1996.