You are nobody without your national ID


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>You're nobody without your national ID card!

By Tom DeWeese
web posted September 27, 1999

It's the year 2001 and you've dashed to the airport trying to catch a flight to deal with a family emergency. You're ready to buy a ticket when you're asked to produce your federally issued national identification card. You've left it at home. Sorry, you can't get on board any flight without it.

It's the year 2001 and you've applied for a new job. Human Resources tells you they cannot consider your resume because it does not list your national identification number and asks to see your card.

It's the year 2001 and you've just moved your family to a new State and want to get a driver's license. Without your national identification card, they will not issue it. Then you discover that, to get your new license, you will also have to provide fingerprints and a voice recognition recording that will be entered into a federal registry so you can be identified no matterwhere you are in the nation.

It's the year 2001 and crime is up in your neighborhood. You decide to purchase a handgun to protect yourself in your home or apartment. The local police will not issue the documentation required without seeing your national identification card, nor will be able to purchase a weapon without it.

It's the year 2001. You want to open a new bank account. Without your national identification card, the bank will not do business with you. When you show them your card, they ask you to sign a document permitting them to make any information about your banking activities available to any agency of the federal or state government that requests it.

If this sounds like something out of a really scary novel about the way the federal government is tracking everyone in the nation from birth to death, the bad news is that it is not fiction. It will be fact if the Republican-led House of Representatives does not act soon to stop the implementation of a "Big Brother" national identification system. The man who can resolve and end the threat of this invasion of everyone's privacy is Dennis Hastert, the Speaker of the House.

When Americans beat back the government takeover of the nation's health system, they thought they had protected the privacy they assume applies to their personal medical records. When they protested the proposed "Know Your Customer" banking laws that would have established massive federal data bank profiles of every bank customer, they thought their personal banking activities were again private matters.

The national identification card, the instrument of every despotic government in the world, will become a reality unless Speaker Hastert hears from enough Americans who don't want the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution rendered meaningless. "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures" will cease. A national identification card will make us the slaves of a central government where faceless bureaucrats can pry into every aspect of our lives and thwart every action we take.

Tom DeWeese is the president of the American Policy Center, Herdon, Virginia, a grass roots, activist think tank. It maintains an Internet site at


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
referal #2005932
More good, clean, family fun brought to you by the Liberty loving GOP! After all, if the Democrats were in charge those national ID cards would be mandated next year. ;)

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight
i'm soooo sick of ID cards. One for work, one for driving, one for the NRA, the GOA, the ADK, on and on...why can't we just og back to the good ole days of remembering passwords!

I call out "Ginger"

and the reply comes "Rogers" and we have a little meeting.

Don't get me wrong, I do NOT want an all-identifying card/number other than what I've already been given (SSN).

I don't believe Americans should ever have accepted national ID. Notice that I used past tense in that last sentence. We have had a national ID for quite sometime. When Socialist Security was first implemented, it was suppossed to be a "temporary" solution to a temporary problem. Americans swallowed that socialist lie from the start. The guidlines of SS, (not to be confused w/the NAZI SS, although they liked national ID too and would have liked Soc Sec being a socialist organization themselves), was that it was to be used ONLY for receiveing socialist security. Americans went for that because easy money IMHO was involved and who can pass up a carrot at the end of a stick to see the cliff dead ahead?

It was NEVER to be used for identification of any kind, other than to receive $ that is taken from others to give to the recipient.
Of course we all know where that got us...a national ID number. Now, IF they can make us not only have a state ID card (drivers license), but a National ID card, then they can have more power and control over people's lives, NOT to mention the $ they'd make with this system. After all, you don't expect the politicians to use thier OWN money to pay for this system that they want over us? Do you?

This national ID system, that is already being used to a large degree, is just another step toward international control. I went to a national conference, where the speakers were promoting the idea of national ID through a silicon chip inserted in the back of the hand or just under the skin on the forhead. Know anything about Bible prophecy? It's true folks.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)