Yosemite Murders


New member
Now the "monday morning quarterbacks" are criticizing the FBI's investigation of the Yosemite murders. Charging that the feds allowed Cary Stayner, the confessed murderer of 4 women (that we know of), to slip through their fingers earlier in the probe, thus allowing Stayner to brutally murder his most recent victim, Joie Armstrong.
Stayner was questioned and released following the much publicized disappearance and subsequent discovery of Carole Sund, her daughter Juli and a friend, Silvina Pelosso who were murdered while vacationing in the area earlier this year.
Whether the FBI deserves this rap or not is really a secondary consideration. I'm not in a position to determine if their investigation was inept.
The curious thing here (NOT) is that NO ONE has publicly made the obvious observation that this gruesome series of murders may have been stopped if only one of the victims had been armed.
I have heard this opinion expressed by a number of people. Many of them weren't even folks I would have expected to hear that from.
An opportunity to point out the fallacy of putting your safety and self preservation in the hands of others comes along and out of a sense of decency and respect for the families of the victims, nothing is said.
I sometimes think that it's a pity that the restraint practiced by the pro-gun community prevents us from using a tragedy like this to present our side of the argument, while the anti's will swarm like flies to any corpse that helps them sell their ideas.
Notice how you hardly ever hear of an armed citizen being murdered or robbed?

Where are we going with this?

Wake up unarmed citizens!!! You must be able to protect yourself. The police can't always be there to help you.
My main gripe with the FBI on this particular case is that they made it quite clear that they already had the guilty parties in custody. They even said that one of their Modesto meth users had made a sort of confession and although things didn't quite add up, they were confident they had the right people.

The LA Times, believe it or not, brought up a good point about Stayner's final victim. Unlike the tree Yosemite tourists, she fought back, violently, nearly freeing herself, and forced the killer to leave the scene quickly, unable to cover his tracks.

Yes, maybe if she was packing a piece she would be able to testify against him.

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited July 29, 1999).]
FWIW: Nobody should ever venture into the outdoors unarmed. Loss of habitat and prey have driven some of the critters to seek alternate food sources. Rabies is also a problem in the wild and don't forget human stupidity when dealing with wildlife. More than one "Bambist" has learned the hard way that even small critters have teeth and claws and know how to use them.
Also note that the two legged varmits are discovering that nice quiet trails make for good huntin' and no witnesses.
Most State and National parks have rules against firearms. However, experience has taught me that as long as it's concealed, you don't bother anyone and don't open your mouth, most Rangers wouldn't bother you about it. Sort of don't ask, don't tell among outdoorsmen.
In the same regard as GRAYFOX's posting, it is easier to gain forgiveness than permission. Concealed carry in the parks until attacked (by whatever) and then argue the point after surviving the problem presented.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Good Morning All-

Grayfox & Jim V., agree with you guys 110%. As time goes by, I'm more and more shocked by the "lowlifes" that I see sharing our beloved hiking and camping areas.

Hey, I'm a laissez faire kind of person as far as most things are concerned, but I've personally witnessed "gangbanger-types" out on the trails that would make most people uncomfortable.

Since they come totally unprepared for a day in the wilderness, it begs the question of what do they actually do several miles into the wooods? How would they obtain necessary items should the need arise?

Throw a pistol in a fanny pack, remain courteous to everyone you meet on the trails, and we shouldn't have a problem!

Have a good weekend.


~ Blue Jays ~
Blue Jays, they could be out there for the same reason some of these ol' boys are on the gravel roads around here. they're cooking meth. these ol' boys will find a gravel road, drop the tailgate on the truck, and set up a cooking operation. or maybe, in the case you're refering to, they may be in waiting for a good victim. either case, it's wise to alway be prepared, and carry some protection along..

what me worry?
Complete agreement with carrying anytime in the backwoods. The last 25 years of my working life was in Forensic Mental Health, and the number of sexual predators that spent time in the outdoors regularly never failed to shock me. I've backpacked, day hiked, and hunted over a lot of the West, and ALWAYS packed! These guys can appear "normal", and can be very persuasive and personable. sound like any politicans you know? ;)

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...