Yet another scenerio . . .are we still interested in these?


New member
You are doing some Christmas (or Festivas) shopping and are staying away from the crime ridden big city. Out in the nice suburbs, you stop into the local Gas & Sip to buy a squishy. In walk 2 guys with Ak-47s and ski masks. You are carrying whatever you always carry (and no, I don't believe you carry that RPG daily). You can:
a. stop, look & listen
b. drop and roll
c. draw and fire
d. comply with the nice armed men.
e. do something clever...?
f. do your famous "mime trapped in a box stunt", the kids love it (hint; this will get you killed for sure)

This can happen, see links below...
If all they want is money, let 'em have it. Not worth starting a firefight. If possible, move to cover.

If they decide they want no witnesses, then you have to take your best shot.
1) first (d) if all they want is the money. (b) if they haven't seen me and there is someplace to hide ;).

2) if it goes downhill, thrill killing or flying on drugs, and blood-letting is about to occur i think (c) takes priority. one shot to each threat, move laterally and re-engage any remaining BG

3)hmmm (e) somthing clever...(within Calif) if i'm still alive, which means still armed, as they exit...double tap to each back :eek: or prioritize BG covering retreat first (fleeing felon, continuing threat to the public, possession of "assault weapon" :rolleyes: ). before stepping outside, don't forget :o possible outside security and the getaway driver.
As always, it depends so much on the situation, the BG's disposition, and how they speak. If the BG's only demand money, they can have as much of mine as they can carry. If they tell us to kneel on the floor facing away from them with our hands on our head, I'll be quite a bit less inclined to comply with their request. If they say, "give us your cash and nobody gets hurt", I'll exercise some restraint. If they say, "if anybody moves, you all die", I'll be more likely to act in a manner which will (God willing) result in the stoppage of their threatening activities.

Facing down two thugs with AK variants ranks right up there next to skydiving without a parachute into a swimming pool filled with razorblades.
where does a 400 lb gorilla sit? anywhere he wants!

do whatever they say, whenever they say it....resort to a gun fight only when you have accepted that you are going to die...make your peace with God, as you draw your gun....

plenty of scenarios over at firearms, friends, family - at the ezboard community....don't have the link handy
My father taught a Sunday school lesson years ago, and used Daniel in the lion's den as an illustration (as well as Shadrach, Meshak, and Abindigo- sorry about the misspelling). Making your peace with your concept of god should be something you do now. I think pa said Dan'l was all prayed up, or somesuch. :D
Situations like the one depicted are hard enough when we only deal with the external factors. Emotional or spiritual distress is not something the skilled combatant can afford. (Incidentally, how I reacted would be based on my distance and location, as well as my armament, and demeanor of thugs in question.)