Yet another scenario....


After catching Bill in yet another act of infidelity Hillary becomes enraged. She takes up a butter knife and is holding it to his throat when you walk into the room. You are standing eight feet away and armed with the new (surplus) flame thrower you just picked up the week before. It has became obvious that all your attempts to "talk her down" are in vain.
What do you do?


Missouri; Home to ballot fraud and dead senators. We're so proud.
"Ma'am, here's some rope to hogtie him while you figure out what to do. There, don't you feel better ... Here, I know you're angry. Instead of that cheap butter knife, take a hold of this and sit down right besides him. If you put it in his face while he's tied up, it'll sure scare him. You'd like that, right?"

Step 5 yards away, draw and shoot a full clip into the fuel tank.

Ok, so I'm mean ... but damn, it sure feels good ... Herr Doktor Gunslinger, you have to do this more often :D
Be a good witness to the stabbing. Citizen's arrest on Hillary, terminate any "escape attempts" with maximum prejudice.
Umm, Mrs. Clinton, if you attempt to off this guy you'll be painted by the media as a homicidal psycho. We all know the "unwritten law" only applies to men, right? You'd be much better off taking him to court, getting awarded everything but his box of cigars, and maintaining the dignity of your position as Senator while he gets to be the bad guy. Every woman in America who's ever been cheated on will vote for you for the rest of her life. It's your choice -- a minimum security federal prison or the White House in four years.
I owe got me to cough up what I was drinking when I read this....LOL

I would announce in a loud voice (for the witnesses), "Ma'am, I have been trained to take out the hostage taker when given the green light, although I have been known to miss and accidentally shoot the hostage from time to time....well, I can't be held responsible now if you force me to take the shot. I just wanted to warn you."

"Mr. Clinton, you just hold still while I stage this trigger in prepa....OOOPs!!!"

:D :D :D :D