Yet another scenario.


New member
Ok, yet ANOTHER blooming scenario, this time taken from the news.

You and your wife/girlfriend/significant other have just enjoyed some time together at a local park. It's dusk, the park is fairly well lit, but is not normally popular during this time of the week. You and your partner are in your vehical, when another vehical pulls into the parking lot.

The parking lot, though small, was deserted until the arrival of the other car. The car parks two spaces away. Someone exits the vehical (passenger side I believe) and starts walking the 10 feet towards your car.

What do you do?
sounds like you are waiting to see how many say they get out of the car with gun in hand, yet not everyone has a CHL.

I think the best bet is to drive away safely and avoid the possibility of confrontation. I am not one who waits with desire to take someones life. I am waiting for the moment when i will have no other choice left. I dont want to initiate an attack because i think I can and my balls appear larger than actual size because i own a gun or two. If I find I am under attack I will do a valve job on your heart. I belive those who are too quick to draw are the ones to watch out for as much as any other attacker because they have no control and will most likely have no control in a legitimate situation.

Hope i didn't just piss you off.
I guess it depends on the demeaner and appearance of the person approaching my vehicle.

I would start the vehicle, . . . and position myself to leave if needed, . . . but I would also check to see if they need help, information, directions, etc. Not everyone approaching your vehicle is a low life bg wanting to kill and maim everyone in sight.

May God bless,
I was just curious.

The other day I watched a news report where a couple had been at a local park in my neck of the woods. They were back in their car when someone pulled up to the otherwise deserted parking lot and parked two spots away. A gentleman got out of the car, started to cross the ten feet, and started shooting.

I have yet to find a news report that lists whether or not they caught the individual, or whether or not they have found a reason for the shooting.

The driver of the car slammed his car into reverse and attempted to speed from the area. Unfortunately, the shooter managed to get a lethal shot in. The passenger of the vehical was shot as well, but was not killed and recovered at a local hospital.

It just bothered me, because I've sat in that park at dusk, in that very lot. I've sat in that lot with a girlfriend, chatting in relative privacy. I've had a car pull up, and park two or three spaces away from me.

To be perfectly honest, I would've probably have paid it no mind myself. I didn't in any of those previous visits.
You can't just point a gun at someone because they approach you. Theoretically someone could start shooting just about anytime any place. When you're outside of your castle that's a risk you run. Even if I'm carrying I have to wait until I'm actually threatend to threaten deadly force in return. Otherwise I'm the agresssor. It's a dillema when you just don't know someone's intentions.
You can't just point a gun at someone because they approach you. Theoretically someone could start shooting just about anytime any place. When you're outside of your castle that's a risk you run. Even if I'm carrying I have to wait until I'm actually threatend to threaten deadly force in return. Otherwise I'm the agresssor. It's a dillema when you just don't know someone's intentions.

That's true, however that doesn't mean you can't prepare yourself.

As for me, in that situation I think my threat antennae would go up. Being inside my car would be an advantage to some degree in that I can, if I decide to, unholster my weapon and have it ready and not expose that fact to the person approaching the car. If all they wanted were directions, I'm good. If they're intentions are criminal, I'm still good.
I'm with DoubleD. My gun is out and pointed towards the door under my left arm to hide it from the innocent civilian/ possible badguy. The probably innocent civilian knows nothing and I am instantly ready to engage. I have done this literally dozens of times although not all in dark vacated parks. I am happily married and the bedroom is much better than the car LOL. I did have my share of parks and drive-ins though.
I do absolutley nothing...I don't really get the question, I'm in my car with my wife leaving the park anyway and someone parks two spaces from me and starts walking towards my car...I'm not going to do anything different!! If he needs some assistance from me let him call out to me..He must be able to see that I'm leaving..I wouldn't feel any immediate threat I would just conduct the following matters (I.E. getting out to help him with something, Give him directions, whatever) with the same amount of caution and awareness that I use in everyday life...I don't see a threat in this scenario.
T357, You didn't find it strange that a car parks next to you when the rest of the lot is empty? Or that someone immediatly gets out and makes for your car? Were do you live? Sounds like you live in a real good community. The kind that you can leave your front door unlocked without fear. Here in Tampa, while not a completely bad area, this scenario is a classic robbery tactic. I have heard and read it countless times. In fact I have sold guns to victims more times that I can remember. It must be nice to live where you can give a stranger the benefit of the doubt.
I live right smack in the middle of the city and I'm telling you if I was to pull my gun everytime some situtation seemed strange I would never put it down.

I'm not nervous by nature...I'm always aware and conscience of my surroundings and if something was to go down I'd be more than ready...But to anwser your question no, I don't see anything strange or more importantly threatening about that scenario for me or the mrs..
You and your partner are in your vehical, when another vehical pulls into the parking lot. Someone......... starts walking the 10 feet towards your car. What do you do?

Ummmmmmmmm How about starting my car and driving home.

Of course I could do a tactical roll out the hidden doorway in the floorboard, snap up the Bushy AR concealed the behind the rear bumper. Then I would take down the first miscreant from behind the cover of the wheel, firing from underneath the vehicle with a quick Mozambique drill, Then, while doing a 360 scan for additional threats I would sneer and spit on his oozing forehead. Assuming there were no additional theats, I would re-enter my vehicle, secure all openings, and drive it into the nearest body of water. I would use my cell phone to call Dominos and order a seven inch anchovie and butchovie pizza. This is the code word for the DAA (Dumb Acronym Agency) secret agents at Dominos that a field agent needs back-up. They would then triangulate my location while I raised the snorkle to gain oxygen and watch for their arrival.

Nah.....I'd just drive home. ;)
Okay if I have just gotten to the vehicle after some time out of it in the park then turn the key a haul butt.

On the other hand if I am enjoying some one on one time with my significant other in the car, chances are I am not prepared to simply turn the key and drive at such quick notice.

So for clarity sake if I can drive off I will. If not I will get ready for the worst and hope for the best.

XB, Anchovies?????nasty.