Yet another poll by an anti-gun newspaper


New member

This is a paper in Northern Utah which is a typical example of the self-appointed guardians of our safety. Vote early and vote often. [g]

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Already 156 to 3 in favor of no more restrictions with 1 unsure. Not bad for a Monday morning.


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety
I tossed in my two cents, not that it makes any difference with the media.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I know that a lot of poll questions are skewed to get the answer the pollster wants, but most of them are not loaded as blatantly as this one! Anyway, I voted.
I saw the point made that "We have a fire dept., why does anyone 'need' to have a fire extenguisher in their home or business?" I agree with him, let's ban fire extenguishers! After all, the fire dept always arrives in time to stop any fire...

As soon as I saw the bit about "75% with no prior record" I knew it was slanted. They deliberately put that there to confuse the issue and try to direct our reponse. Fortunately, the citizens of UT aren't buying it! We have once more farted in the general direction of the bannits. ;)

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!

A firearm isn't a weapon until it is used as such.
This one is my favorite, by far:

I think guns cause otherwise normal people to behave irrationally. I think there should be large restrictions on guns because they aren't that necessary and they cause too much ha'

I didn't cut it off, they did. Well, I've touched firearms a couple of times already today, and I feel this incredible compulsion to knock over a liquor store. Gotta go now ... ;)
Would you believe, these yo-yo's are going to print my pro-gun letter (the same one the Las Vegas Review-Journal printed). They'll probably call it "balanced reporting", i.e.
one pro-gun letter and 10 anti-gun editorials. Evidently the readership is all over them for their anti-gun stand. One guy said they were acting as activists instead of observers. They're not fooling the folks in the Ogden, UT area. BTW, the Salt Lake Tribune had an article on the figures. They claim it came from the Utah Dept of Corrections. 83 of 111 shooters, 83 had no priors of any kind. Of the 28 that did have a record, 11 could have legally bought a firearm because they ONLY HAD MISDEMEANOR
convictions. So, two bills are being drafted
in the Utah legislature that will forbid people with misdemeanor convictions from purchasing a firearm. They keep lowering the barrier -- first felonies, then viloent misdemeanors, and now plain-jane jaywalking/littering/etc will get you banned.
Sarah must be ecstatic.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.