Yet another loser


Staff Alumnus

Husband kills wife, shoots self outside police station

11.53 a.m. ET (1601 GMT) October 26, 1999

NORTHAMPTON, Mass. (AP) — A man fatally shot his estranged wife twice in the head in front of police headquarters before critically wounding himself, officials said.


Just before the shooting, Hosmer had extended a restraining order against her husband in Hampshire County Probate Court, a half-block from the site of the shooting, according to District Attorney Elizabeth Scheibel.
Gee, you mean a restraining order and the proximity of the police *failed* to protect the woman? Imagine that...

"Janet Reno is the fire that ignites my loins."
--Joe Cartoon
What? You mean that words on paper couldn't keep the fella from doing the deed? I don't believe you!

Amazing how law-happy people believe that making the books heavier somehow makes its way into the laws governing physics, too. Or more optimistically yet, that man's nature is automatically altered with the stroke of a pen.

The only effectual laws I know are the kind written on hearts and minds ;)

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.