Yesterday's Utah TFL shoot


New member
I'm still recovering from yesterday. :)

Good shoot. Pretty low turn out. Summer get togethers are always a chore. Everybody has family stuff, church stuff, boy scouts, camping trips, you name it, something is going on pretty much every weekend of the summer.

I think that we are going to have to find a new spot for the get togethers. Even though the Bowl is huge, offers a great view, and has wonderful backstops, it is a serious pain in the butt to get up there. Coordinating rides for everybody who doesn't have 4x4 (myself included) sucks. Some of us are going to go exploring a bit farther south and see what we can come up with. I've heard rumors of flatter spots in that same area. Maybe not as pretty, but if everybody can drive there, so much the better.

There was some fun shooting though. I was able to get some of my relatives to come with me this time, I think that they thought I was exagerating when I told them about the amount of firepower my friends normally wield. :p

Got to try some new guns. Stratford's HS Precision rifle is sweet. Eric's CZ 75 D compact is a great little pistol.

I got to watch skyder tag an 8 inch plate at 200 yards over and over again with his Garand. I tell you what, he don't miss much. :)

Thanks to George for bringing all that food, and PvtPyle for that massive shade tent. (Which new better than to mess with me this time, dang tent).

I've still got to clean my guns. They are a mess.
Yeah, I am done climbing that beatch to go shooting. Great views, but other wise I am sick of it. I will scout farther down Redwood this week. Plus there is always the spot by my house, and I may have found a new little canyon that we can shoot in, with good ranges.

For the September shoot, how do those days look for everyone? I am trying to schedual a "tactical tupperware" party for the Friday ahead of it. Thats where a guy I have been talking to brings a bunch of stuff from his shop and lets us all play with it. I need to know what kind of gear you guys have been looking at and want to try out.

I hope we have a better turn out in September than this time.
Guys... I've got the spot. It has shade, nice backstops, no 4 Low required. I've been there in a Camry. There is also flowing water that looks like it needs some fishing.

I've already posted about the location but it was mostly ignored:

Eric's little CZ sure was nifty. Felt great in the hand, even for a compact. And it was pleasant to shoot. I want an SA version, but admittedly, his DA trigger was outstanding.

Thank you to all that shared with my Sons. They all had a good time sampling all the guns. My boys are still talking about it. I wish I had taken the time to get some pics - but I was getting pulled in 5 different directions at once! The kids had a blast, but I don't think I was able to actually take the time to enjoy anything until we shot the group games and I took a moment (despite the number of calls for my attention) to take that HS rifle and blast a couple holes through a Convergys "Thank you for being a sucker for whole year" key chain.
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Got my sights set on September! Is the 21st still the target date? I need to know ASAP because I'll have to work out a swap with a co-worker if that's the date.

And if it's at all possible to make a change, it would be a LOT easier for me to make it on the 14th or the 28th.

I don't like dust! :mad: That stuff was EVERYWHERE, even though I had all my goods off the ground. Larry, did you get the Edsel functioning? I felt bad for all those AR owners with cases full of dust. We really do need to find another place.

I'm just glad that there were no crazy 4x4ers this time.

And George, are they begging for semi-auto now?;)
You gotta remember that most folks are coming from SLC area and that is a LONG way to drive to bust some caps. It would probably be quicker to go out by Toole.... I would like to look at it, but I am also going to try to find a spot a little farther down redowwd rd. We caould also go to the property at the end of Redwood where we looked at the HAWG Farm. Lots of folks shoot down there.
I'm pretty sure the spot George is talking about in the above post is where UDPL shoots IDPA. Do you cross a railroad track, and head down into a ravine?

If that is the case this is a great spot for pistol, but limited in rifle range.

It is about a 45 minute drive from my place in West Jordan.
Try coming from north of Antelope Island.

I didn't walk in the door (after cleaning the dust bunnies from the toys and washing the truck off) until close to 8 pm.

Any farther south just kills all the joy.
That's the spot Larry.

I don't care where the Gathering point is as long as it is easy to get to - has some natural shade if possible - and allows for a more relaxing shooting experience. This last gathering felt a lot like work!
I just got through talking with Pyle. Lets move the date of the next TFL shoot up a week. From Sept. 21st to Sept. 14th. That way Bob can make it over from Colorado. Plus Pyle just got a slot in the nationals to represent the Utah National Guard. Way to go dude! :D

I would say move it back a week, but me and George are both shooting in the WC3gun match in Vegas that weekend.

So Sept. 14th if that is groovy with all you guys.
I would not be able to make it to the Sept 14 shoot. I would be able to make it to the 21st though. I figured I would be able to make it this last weekend but had some unforseen work problems.
Let me know on when the date is in stone.
I just found out I have drill the weekend of the 13th-15th. How is the 28th for everyone? That will be the only weekend I am free in September.
Hey to all. We (Me, Jesse and Boo) made it down later than I would have liked...but got to meet some of you anyway :D
We had a good and dusty but fun. We would have alot of pics but Boo, my personal photographer, decided to lurk in the air conditioning of my office on wheels. Jesse brought back the usual 4 pockets full of every kind of brass known to man...including a TROPHY a .223 brass from his first time behind an AR15...thanks Goerge..that was nice of you.
In Sept., I'll get there on time and probably without my photographer...she loves guns and is a pro at CCW...but isnt into the gathering thing. More into the "what would Barbie wear with her snubbie?"
Thanks for everything and let me know where/when next time is.
Shoot well


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The 28th will work just as well for me as the 14th. The 21st is the only one of the three that I couldn't possibly do.

Looks like a LOT of conflicting events in September. Anyone have thoughts about the second weekend in October? Should be starting to cool off a bit by then, and I can make it (have to work the first weekend).