Posing with your weapons is now cause for arrest?
Authorities said they learned of DeGuzman's arsenal Monday from a photo lab clerk who called police after developing pictures of DeGuzman allegedly posing with the arsenal.
When DeGuzman arrived at the drug store to pick up his pictures, the clerk stalled him by asking for identification until police could arrest him, Deputy Chief Miceli said.
Did the pictures actually show the pipe bombs, etc. or only the firearms -- all of which were long guns from what I saw on the news. They stated that he was arrested on the spot. Is it now a criminal offense to pose with your firearms?
The moral dillema is, of course, whether this was a good thing under the thinking that it saved a single life; or whether this was an issue of someone being held suspect for what has been heretofore a lawful activity -- owning firearms and taking pictures of yourself with them.
It would be an interesting experiment to, say, go to a local gun shop and have a picture taken of yourself standing before a rack of evil black firearms and then taking the film to the local one hour photo place. The answer to the experiment would be no farther than an hour away.