YES!!! Senate defeats gun show checks!!


Moderator Emeritus
Gun control lost mandatory gun checks...Senate voted down and then passed a Republican proposal making them VOLUNTARY!!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Great! Does that mean the FBI will now accept calls for NICS check from non-FFL holders? I would be happy to call in before selling a firearm to someone I do not know or who does not have a CHL, but the FBI won't do it.
It might be worthwhile to remember those who crossed party lines on this issue.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>From AP:
The vote to table, and thus kill Lautenberg's proposal was 51-47, with Democrats Max Cleland of Georgia and Max Baucus of Montana joining 49 Republicans.

Six Republicans crossed party lines and sided with the Democratic advocates of the measure. They were Sens. John Chafee of Rhode Island, Mike Dewine and George Voinovich of Ohio, Peter Fitzgerald of Illinois, Dick Lugar of Indiana and John Warner of Virginia.

On the vote in favor of the system of voluntary checks, Chafee, Fitzgerald and Sen. William Roth of Delaware joined all voting Democrats in opposition.[/quote]

When it's time to vote (or donate), reward our friends and remember our enemies.
Also thank them.
Some more on the Senate:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>From Reuters:
But Craig said Lautenberg's attempt to regulate gun shows was overly regulatory, unenforceable, and an infringement on the civil liberties of law-abiding citizens who wanted to buy and sell guns.

Republicans also defeated on a straight party line 54-44 vote a package of Democratic amendments to the juvenile justice bill, which included new restrictions on youth access to guns. The juvenile crime bill, sponsored by Judiciary Committee chairman Orrin Hatch of Utah, cracks down on young criminals and gang members. It allows more people as young as 14 to be tried as adults in federal courts, and calls for tougher penalties for serious crimes.

Prodded by Kansas Republican Sam Brownback, the Senate by a 98-0 vote agreed to have the Federal Trade Commission and the Justice Department probe whether the entertainment industry is peddling excessively violent merchandise to children, for instance by labeling a product as suitable for adults but then advertising it in kids' magazines.

Boxer scored the Democrats' sole victory of the day when the Senate unanimously accepted her call for a federal investigation into gun makers marketing to children.[/quote]
Gun manufacturers are marketing to children? Exactly what planet is DiFi from anyway?

Seriously, it sure didn't take the Republicans long to roll over onto their backs and spread their legs to slanted 'polls' and the Democrats superior political savvy. I think GOP stands for "Grease Orifices Profusely". Am I alone, or does anyone here think that even voluntary background checks will do anything to stop criminals from obtaining firearms?

It's nice to have the satisfaction of knowing I voted Libertarian in the last 6 years and am therefore not to blame for our current misery; however, I'd rather have the satisfaction of learning that the GOP actually was the gun-owner's friend. Sometimes it's no fun being right.

"The only good bureaucrat is one with pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's goodbye to the Bill of Rights." H.L. Mencken
That's one ofr us.. actually more than one, if they really voted away all those add-ons to the juvenile justice bill.

AS for marketing to kids, yer damn right that the industry encourages kids to learn about guns, gun safety and to particpate in shooting sports, but I don't know of any manufacturer that has tried to get kids to buy guns.

The "kid's magazine" is the NRA mag for kids...not exactly freely obtainable at the newstand. But once again, the details aren't important to Boxer. Her other "incriminating evidence" were some pics of kids with guns in a gun an article dealing with parents teaching gun safety to their kids.

But, since its not Hustler mag, its bad.
I heard rumored that this bill was resurrected and passed into law becoming effective tomorrow...

Please keep in mind that this is rumored and I'm posting for varification.



"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
I just saw something on the USA Today web site about "Gun Control Battle Not Over in Senate: Lawmakers consider reversing vote against background checks at gun shows."