Yeeehaahh, they just caught the dude!


Wife forgot to remind me to go to the neighborhood watch meeting the other night, but luckily the block captain is persistent.
So I got there just when the officer started.

A co-worker who lives in the adjacent tract area says that last weekend their neighborhood watch group had an emergency meeting where they were informed that there was a "Jogging Bandit" running around and apparently in their tract area, they believe he had hit 29 houses in about 6 or so months.

Our block captain said that this is probably the same guy that hit around our neighborhood a bunch of times in the lalst three months.

Turns out, though, that this "Jogging Bandit" runs around the neighborhoods and hits houses that no one responds to a knock on the door, or where a window is led partially open. I had heard this third or fourth hand, so at the meeting when the officer mentioned a 60 year old male had been doing it, you should have heard the audience response. He stays less than one minute and grabs cash and jewelry only. He chooses the houses frequently where both parents work and the house is empty.
Then every Friday, he'd take off down to Mexico and take his stuff and he'd live like a king.

Pretty good deal? Until one girl, home sick, didn't answer the knock on the door, so the jogger went around the house and decided to lift the sliding glass window and the girl hid in the closet with a cell-phone to call the cavalry.

Chalk one up for the good guys.
A while back our apartment building kept having a problem with "kick the door in and grab stuff" burglars during the day.

Then they screwed up and tried it on a "legal holiday" and someone was home and heard 'em.

The police actually arrived in time, and actually made 'em carry a wide screen TV back up three flights of stairs!
Serve him right

That would be an appropriate punishment. If we can send him back with the agreement that the Mexican authorities punish him with time in a Mexican prison.
From what I hear, it is certainly worse that what we can do to him.LOL