Year of the rat?

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This is America. Every religion deserves the right to pay half a dollar to send grandma a letter. Unless grandma can text on her cell phone.

Lighten up. It ain't a Commie plot.

The REAL reason the US Postal Service offers stamps for:

Midget Wrestling

The question is why does this bother you? There are citizens of this country who celebrate Chinese new year even though they live by the Gregorian Calendar. I don't see anything wrong with honoring part of a culture that is present in America. Christianity was not started in America, but we have stamps honoring Christian holidays. Does it hurt you in some way? If not, what is the problem?

In my short time here, I have come to respect your opinions, hogdogs, even when I don't agree with them, but this feels like an overreaction.

I don't have a "problem" with it. I do not look at it as a religious thing. I just thought we "honor" the chinese well enuff with our imports. I ain't sure enuff will sell to cover the printing costs...
I'm also one who believes that honoring people or events is no big deal. What I am opposed to is when deserving people are slighted to honor someone else for political reasons. I'll give you an example.

We celebrate MLK's birthday. No biggee, he is in fact an person of historical importance.

However, nowhere do we celebrate Audie Murphy's birthday, and frankly many younger guys don't even know who he is.

My logic is that without guys like Mr. Murphy we would not even have people like MLK, RFK or the concept of a free market.

To my way of thinking, Audie Murphy was skipped over to fulfil some political agenda.
I just thought we "honor" the chinese well enuff with our imports.

+1 Now if only they honored us back by not putting lead in our toys.

I ain't sure enuff will sell to cover the printing costs...
I'll buy some if you will. I won't worry about them selling. There are plenty of people who will buy them just for the animals regardless of what they represent. The last stamps I bought were lighthouses. I bought them because they looked nice, and not because I have any particular connection with lighthouses. Heck, I live in a state with no coastline. I bet it will be the same for these stamps.

What I am opposed to is when deserving people are slighted to honor someone else for political reasons.

Totally agree. But if we followed that principle precisely, no one would ever get honored because we would sit around and argue about who deserves it more all day.

I just purchased a sheet of the Star Wars stamps from the USPS :D

Do ya reckon its a conspiracy from the Dark side of the Force. :eek:
I smell a rat... (pun intended)...:D
They coulda started this series on a year other than the rat. Horse, dragon monkee...
I eat Chinese buffet fairly often (in this one horse town we have exactly four supper restaurants that are privately owned) 2 chinese, one mexican and one italian... In all of the states I have lived the place mats have always been the same chinese new year. Lots of cuter animals than the rat...
Chinese Coolies built the railways and most of modern America. Don't be so parochial and think that all modern Americans set sail from Plymouth. That is plainly bull****. Melting pot and all that.
People & fictional characters who have commerative stamps issued in their honor:

W.C. Fields
Mickey Mouse

People who have not had commerative stamps issued in thier honor:

John Moses Browning
Samuel Colt
Eliphalet Remington
Horace Smith and Daniel B. Wesson
Benjamin Tyler Henry
Oliver Winchester
William Ruger
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