YA CNN poll


Staff Alumnus
*This* poll isn't slanted, nope, not a bit.

If confronted by a mugger, as Cabinet member Donna Shalala was Sunday, you should:

Fall to the ground, curl into a fetal position and scream loudly.

Hand over your valuables without hesitiation.

Stand up to the muggers in the hope that they'll back down.

As of 11:15 am EST, the breakdown was: 14%, 68%, 18%.

I wonder what the numbers would be if one of the choices was "Resist with a gun."
yeah, just roll over and hand the bad guy anything he wants. it doesn't matter that you worked hard for it, just give it to him because he must have come from a broken home or something and he deserves it. poor bad guy! i don't think so :(

fiat justitia

Bear in mind she was in DC, CCW & handguns in general are a big NO-NO, which explains teh high street crime stats. It's not clear whether teh dweebs were armed, but they were caught in about an hour (Pretty amazing when you consider how bad the DCPD is,I guess cabinent memebers get special attention). Of course, the crimes done in Congress don't require a gun.

Longhair, ya got a point there, we have a mayor who belives we need to be sensitive to
a dude after he breaks into a house and kills the people there, also that the people standing on the corners selling drugs to minors arn't criminals, just misguilded??????
and that welfare is a right, wether you want to work or not..
Well, what can we expect of a town that:
a) is home to our federal gov't, and
b) elected a coke-head to lead them?

I'm glad I'm not overseas now. How would I answer their questions about my homeland...
That was always a problem for me. Feeling like I needed to apologize to people overseas when they critisized the US. Then I remembered something. I remembered how screwed up THIER countries are. After that I just laughed at them and asked them if they'd ever been to the US. When they invariably said "No." I just smiled and walked away shaking my head.

Your mind is your primary weapon.
I always ask the foreigners how many of their countrymen have immigrated to the US. Then I ask them how many Americans have immigrated to their country. Except for the USSR,(thousands of American leftists immigrated to the USSR in the 20's) the answer to question 1 is in the hundreds of thousands if not millions. Answer to question 2 is a scant handful. To the ex-Soviets I ask a third question- How many of the American emigrants to the USSR survived Stalin's purges? Answer? Five or six.