Ya can't make this stuff up. A Looney law for real.


New member
It seems that this legislator wants to develop a "gun offender registry" similar to the sex offender registry. This looney piece of legislation is being authored by none other than ...

wait for it ...

Martin Looney.


State Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney got the idea from several cities, including New York and Baltimore, which already have instituted gun-offender registries. The Connecticut Democrat, who represents a city experiencing a rash of gun violence, says early evidence suggests the established programs are having a "deterrent" effect.

This is a guy from a city that laid off 16 (not 160, not 1600) police officers, which resulted in the Guardian Angels coming out in force, and the head of the police union making a public statement that it's time for the citizens to arm themselves.

Must be something in the water.
He didn't just make this up. He got the idea from big cities already doing it. Obviously it appears to have a deterrent effect from those cities that have instituted it so he thought to bring it statewide. It may be a waste of time since gun crimes aren't neccesarily like sex crimes where they're screwed in the head, but it may help. Unless the argument is the money you can only be against this if you want to commit gun crimes.

Note: I would be against it due to the money can be spent better elsewhere.
Oh good. Just what we need.... another ineffective law that could be "enforced"* with one $298 PC from Wal*Mart but will cost tax payers tens of millions of dollars to prove itself ineffective.

Enforced*: That is, enforced because the 4473/background check doesn't already provide a "registry" that prevents unauthorized purchasers from legally purchasing firearms and so they just buy them illegally and how is knowing that someone is a "firearms offender" going to protect you when they decide to use their illegal gun?
if you, commmit a crime witha firarm, you already have a record, at which point you can't buy or own guns anymore. Why would another tracking system keep said people from purchasing guns any easier?
Why would another tracking system keep said people from purchasing guns any easier?

It doesn't do any such thing, obviously, but does accomplish two important tasks:

  1. It lets the law maker persuade the profoundly gullible he's Taking Action.
  2. It provides another government job to someone.
In a state that's functionally bankrupt (and what state isn't, today), it gives them an excuse reason to retain several state troopers who might otherwise be facing layoff.
But Looney, who represents the city of New Haven, has earned the support of local and state law enforcement officials .......

This is why cops aren't in charge of legislation. :rolleyes:
Looney is... well, loony

And this registry is a farce. It's not going to deter a single crime. Think a felon is going to volunteer for this registry? Or because he's on it, he won't go buy a gun from some other hood down the street?

This guy never saw a gun control bill he didn't immediately support. Microstamping, serialized ammo, child-proof technology, ammo buyers registration, you name it.

What kills me is most of these people aren't stupid people, but they are intellectually dishonest. They HAVE to know that criminal don't follow the law, only law-abiding people do. My 12-year old gets that. What they are, is either ignorant of guns, or afraid of guns, so instead of learning more about them, their reaction is "take them all away". They deliberately ignore the obvious fact that only law-abiding people would surrender their guns and we'd be left in a world where only criminals and the gov't have them. Great. Sounds like pre-war Germany.

Just right for a guy named Looney.