Y2K Web Sites??


New member
With all the hype, doom and gloom forcasted for Y2K is there any good web sites with info on how and what could go wron and how to prepare?

I've found so many "the end is comming" web sites I'd like to find somthing of sudstance for a change.
<A HREF="http://www.y2ksupply.com">Y2KSUPPLY.COM</A>

[This message has been edited by REALM (edited July 01, 1999).]
this was posted on
the Yourdon forum:

Perhaps this comes as no surprise to many of you, but the banking industry
is probably even worse off than you may be hearing. As long as compaines
like mine (no names!) continue to cut corners on testing and LIE about
results, we'll never see any progress. Unless someone comes forward now, I
don't see much hope for the industry. Looking at my co-workers faces each
morning, knowing what lies ahead, is getting harder by the day.
My first indication of how bad things *really* are was a few weeks ago when
I was working with our testing team to simulate date rollover issues. I
found literally HUNDREDS of inconsistencies in a few very key programs, in
code that was supposed to be FIXED already! Little did I realize that the
situation would get even worse. Nobody wanted to bring this issue to upper
management. Even my supervisor was suggesting I fudge data to account for
the inconsistencies!

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Several of my co-workers were hearing
the same mantra from their supervisors as well.

As far as upper management was concerned, there was "no problem."

But how long can this go on? In just a few months, everything will hit the
fan and I'm afraid of what's going to happen. Good, hard-working people like
my friends are going to be the ones who suffer.

For what? A few more months of "status quo"??? That's really worth bringing
an entire company, and perhaps a whole industry down?

Whatever we do from this point on, I don't know if it will even matter
anymore. Even if we started redoing the fixes today, it's probably too late.
Everyone I work with is starting to prepare. Nobody wants to see us go
under, but we plan to be ready in case it does. I just hope more people will
reach the same realizations we did. Everyone should be preparing by now!!
Frugal Squirrel's site is......

Everyone here gave you some good links that should help you.

Consider Gary North himself as a 10 on a scale of 1-10.

When you first start reading all there is regarding Y2K, most likely panic will be one of the things you will feel at some point. This will pass as you prepare for what level you feel good with. Scot's site www.preparefory2k.com that Art mentioned used to have a section that talked about the stages most people go through when first learning about Y2K.
