Y2K the movie


New member
Funniest damn thing I've ever seen.....loved the part where Olin "fixes the pump" by blowing it up......and where they walk into the just cooled chamber......can anyone say ?.....NO STEAM !!!.......best comedy I've ever seen.

I don't know if "funny" is the way I'd describe it.

Lame! Lame! Lame!

I guess it did what NBC wanted it to do, get folks to watch NBC! I'm ashamed to admit that I watched the darn thing! :)
What was very odd about it, was that it focused attention on the two areas that are probably least likely to be effected by a Y2K bug, domestic nuclear power and commercial aircraft. Then to have this guy from the government who was portrayed as the "Y2K genius" running around single handedly saving a commercial jet from disaster and a nuclear reactor from a melt down was laughable at best.

If it would have stayed on track with the subtle little things that can be effected by Y2K that we take for granted, like ATM's, fully stocked grocery stores, and calm and peaceable crowds, it would have been infinitely more realistic and believable.

Thumbs down!
Whenever these disaster (in more ways than one) movies are advertised, if it looks interesting, I'll set up the VCR. Later on, I can point the remote at the TV and intone, "and on the Next Day, Albert sayeth 'Let there be fast forwarding', and it was so, and there was much sorrow and weeping amongst the advertisers".

I suspected this one would be full of black holes of logic, explosions, etc. and passed on it. Thanks for
letting me know I didn't miss anything.
As DSMC stated "Lame,lame,lame

It had a ton of contrived angst and most every character was a moron.
Rebellious teenage daughter of the nuke/Y2K expert and his ER Dr. wife. Retired dad of our expert is a n ex-nuke scientist. Neighbor of dad turns his house and property into a bunker in prep for Y2K, complete with cyclone fencing and razor wire....course he gets shot by the Army who are evacuating the area when the nuke plant goes critical. Daughter is grounded and pissed she can't go to the millenium party and has to stay at hospital while mom is on duty...course she skips out and mom leaves duty to go find her (and takes the young son along)...all the while knowing the public knowledge that Y2K fears have been realized and its bad.
I bailed when the nuke expert sends the Army to find his retired Dad to help him save the plant from the fated meltdown. Put in a tape of "Ferris Bueller"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I work with reactors,have for 25 years. If you get to the point where you only have 2 minutes left,then you are truly s.o.l. It would take at least that long for the cooling to take effect, not instantly like in that movie. Although I got to admit I watched the movie also and they made it sound resonable. sj
The movie was a joke ,but the part where the neighbor was shot by the military because he wouldnt evacuate is the part that hit home. There could be some fake "emergency" that the elites conjur up to get the mases to leave their homes either voluntarily or by military force. Once the masses are in the hands of the "masters", the ball game is over. One would be better off standing his ground even if it means dying. slavery is not a option for some of us. it would be slavery and then death in government "holding centers" which are ready as we speak.
Oh, Ivan, Ivan. There are times I believe the best thing you could do for yourself and others would be to give your shortwave radio to Goodwill.
The only meaningfully observant part of the film was when the soldiers took boltcutters to the survivalists' lock. There's a lesson there: just because you have a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire doesn't mean nobody's getting in...especially if the door is secured by a single chain easily snipped by a common boltcutter.

Oh, and also: the subsequent result of a "warning shot". Unleash deadly force, even in a "safe" direction as a "warning", and someone may take it as a warning that they'd better shoot you first.
I finally turned it off when a heart monitor alarm went off in error.

Nurse: Where did we get this monitor from?
Dr: <company name> out of New York.
Nurse: It's already midnight in New York, this might be a Y2K problem.

err... so if my TV was made in Taiwan, does that mean that it's going to go on the blink when it turns midnight there?


Anyone worth shooting, is worth shooting twice...
Fortunately I didn't watch it. But I'm curious how they made the reactor go super-critical with a Y2K bug instead of the opposite - shut down. Anybody take notes on that?
They never "explained" why any of the problems occurred.

I was thinking about this movie last night (for some unexplainable reason) and I remembered one line that really hit home for me.

I'm an applications analyst who's been working on Y2K changes and testing for about 2 1/2 years. When the "Y2K Expert" was questioned as to whether or not everything was going to work OK, since they had tested everything, he responded, "IF we did the tests right!" I THINK I've done my testing correctly but with all of the variables involved, I don't think I can be 100% sure. That would be mighty presumptuous of me! :)

[This message has been edited by DMSC (edited November 23, 1999).]
I would think that if you set the system clock to a date/time in year 2000, and also set any attached systems if you have clock-synch, then see if all applications WAD, then you should be ok. I would have my folks try several different dates since any date math involved may be using older dates (from the previous year) as well as future and current dates. This testing would take quite a lot of time and manpower, aye there's the rub.
I just about had a STROKE from laughing so hard. It WAS a comedy, right? It had to be, after all...

1) All aircraft WORLD-WIDE, along with the ATC systems, operate on GMT. "Local midnight" is meaningless.

2) F-18 pilot didn't eject

3) Hero stands in a "reactor vessel", 20' from the fuel rods, in an area that's supposed to be @ 3500 deg. No suit ("it'll just slow me down"), no nothing. Hey, wait a minute! This was a Superman movie, right?

4) No reactor VESSEL. You know, the PRESSURIZED STEEL CYLINDER where the rods live, and where the nuke reaction takes place?

5) ATC systems have NO EFFECT on an airplane's on-board navigational systems

6) No rioting/looting in NYC. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!

7) Dr. leaves post (and it's a SLOW night in the ER - New Years' Eve in NYC??) to look for bitch daughter.

8) Bitch daughter says, "My God, dad was RIGHT!" Here's a clue: NO teenybopper will EVER admit that a PARENT is RIGHT about something; even if it involves their own DEATH.

9) All the "professionals" had the collective IQ's of a carrot. And NO ABILITY or evident training to do their own jobs. You betcha.

10) Hero runs unerringly to a set of valves, while trained staff run away like rabbits.

11) Why didn't they go to the valves as soon as the alarms went off?

12) Why didn't the built-up hydrogen gas in the containment building explode when water came in contact with FOUR THOUSAND DEGREE uranium, and flashed into steam? (Oh yeah, NO STEAM CLOUD either.)

There is so much more to say, but I know how expensive disk space is.

As a computer systems profssional for over 25 years, I was DEEPLY insulted by this film.
hmmmm.... makes me think the whole point of the movie was to show Y2K wasn't going to be a problem. If they had made a serious, thoughtful look at what might really happen, well then there would be some panic buying, panic withdrawls from banks, etc...

As it is, if you were part of the un-informed masses, would you think Y2K was a serious threat after watching that movie? Would you now believe any of the Y2K guru's?

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
To Mal H: the cooling water pumps suposedly shut down,and then said hero was standing next to the rods? can you spell instant crispy critter? Oh, and can you imagine what would happen when all that water hit those 4,000 degree rods?instant steam,instant explosion,what youv'e got is another chernoble for the next 1,000 or more years,if that ever happens in real life,just pray you are not any where close. sj.
sjones, you know as well as I do how much BS that is. The reactors I'm familiar with have constantly running DC motors running aux pumps in case the AC motors stop. And at the first hint of a drop in coolant flow the Cd rods are automatically scrammed. And there's no Y2K bug on earth that is going to defeat good ol' gravity.
our reactors have multiple backup pump,also steam turbine pumps in case electricity goes out and also back up generators in case we do loose electricity. Almost every thing we have is redundent to the point of absurbity.we have to run what if drills all the time.so everyone can do everyone elses job,if we have to if someone goes down.It is not near as dangerous as the media try to make it out to be. sj