Y2k Pledge

Yes this is a slashdot ripoff but anyway -
I pledge the following -
- I will not buy loads of extra food and - store it just in case.
- I will not withdraw a few hundred dollars from the bank just in case.
- I will not buy anything gimmicky with y2k or 2000 on it.
- I will not buy extra ammo just in case.(well if its on special thats different).
- I promise to phone someone in the USA and when it hits 12am Jan 1 2000 here hang up :)
- I promise not to post fake messages in newsgroups just after 12 am and pretend rioting has begun in the streets.

BTW - people using y2k as a reason to be be better prepared for earthquakes etc are just being smart.
A good rule of thumb is - if you have a good use for it besides a possible y2k crisis buy it.
We live in the country and rely on power for water pressue - no power no water. So we have bought a small tank which we put up behind the house to gravitate water in case of power failure. We have power failures every year when we get strong winds and its not fun being without water.

Of course I could be wrong - but society will have collapsed, the internet will be down and you won't be able to say "I told you so" :
My biggest worry is that if the power goes off all the beer I have stocked up on will
have to be drunk warm.
I think I'll have to buy a case of whisky to
have as back up.
Now as to people posting fake reports of
rioting and public disorder--you'd have to
be a bit naughty to think of that,dont you
I remember that some one made a gun type
thing that you put a CO2 cartridge into and it sprays the co2 out really fast and frosts up the beer can or glass or what ever. I saw
it in one of the old james bond flicks.
It is still made as a novelity gift. I think it sells for around 90.oo, but IF IT KEEPS YOUR BEER COLD,ITS JUST GOT TO BE WORTH IT,right?

and it fits in your pocket! About the same
size as a 380 walter ppks.

I plan on buying one just as soon as the Democrats repeal the assault rifle ban
and start advocating increased public gun ownership and arm our teachers!

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
Bought me a propane refrigerator as a standby, just in case. In case I don't need it, I'll move it to deer camp. Cold beer tastes good there, too!

:), Art