Y2K News

Hope everyone is preparing themselves.
http://www.worldnetdaily.com/bluesky_exnews/19990708_xex_fb i_cancels_.shtml

It seems as if the federal government is not telling us something (no they wouldn't do that). Either they have knowledge that there will be significant terrorist attacks, or they want to be able to claim that. Either way I would plan for some distruption of services.


If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."

[This message has been edited by KAM_Indianapolis (edited July 08, 1999).]
Not that big of a shocker. Most federal and state government agencies are adopting similiar policies- FBI, USSS, State Police, County Police, etc. Same thing for a lot of businesses- banks, security guard services, grocery stores, etc.

The problem is that no knows for sure what will happen, or how people will react as we get closer to the magic day. We have already seen a increase in gun sales and ammo stockpiling occuring. You think that the authorties (or Handgun Control, Inc., hee-hee!) aren't concerned about that? When the news reports that many people are withdrawing large amounts of cash, will the BGs start salivating and take advantage- Will burglary and Home Invasions incidents make a dramatic increase? Will people panic and make a run on the banks and grocery stores? Will terrorist groups or extremists take advantage of the situation? And since it is the New Year's eve of the new millenium how many thousands of people will be getting **** faced at the "last party of this century?" Will they start to riot or loot at the hint of any small problems?

Another insider scoop: A lot of us have already been told that we will be spending New Year's eve standing by at work.

Of course, everything will not go ka-put at 12:00:01. Most "experts" theorize that problems might start showing up hours later.
The dilema is that NO ONE KNOWS FOR SURE. Therefore, contingency planning is being adopted and carried out. Hush, hush of course so that the public is not alarmed and sent inadvertently into a panic. It may end up being the biggest letdown of the new millenium! There will probably a few minor annoyances, but no end of civilization. How the hell did we survive for thousands of years without computers anyway?

Hmmm, I wonder if this happen in December of 999? "Tiberus, are those horse drawn carts Y1K compliant?"
Where I work, all LE agencies will be out in force. Traditionally, New Year Eve revelers trash everything unless the uniforms are present and in force. The economic tradeoff off for necessary safe guarding of life and property is the taxpayer bill for overtime.

Y2K? And this too shall come to pass.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt