Y2K: For Some, It's Here Now!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Browsed on over to "prepare4y2k.com", which has links to everywhere, including Gary North's site. Try "http://www.garynorth.com/y2k/detail_.cfm/3521" for an interesting article. This is one I'd hope is in error--a hoax, even.

Briefly, the US Senate put in new software in order to have no problems with y2k. Oops! Seems it won't work, even for right now, and staffers ain't paid, and home-town office-rent ain't paid...And as of January 12, they hoped to have everything squared away in a "few weeks".

Hmmm. Now, if you multiply that by a great ol' big bunch of large-ish companies, and state governments, and big-city governments, and consider the consequences, you might see why some folks are nervous...
A Canadian paper/site had a typically "Y2K - Not to Worry" type story. I hit their site and posted the following:

Will my post get aired? Doubtful, as I'll dare to point-out that the value of privately-owned firearms is going to be
proven during Y2K - especially in large urban areas. Before I'm instantly labeled a "Gun-Crazy American", please remember a few Y2K FACTS. Facts, okay? Not theories, and not a bulletin from our National Rifle Association (not a terrorist organization by the way, in spite of what our media says): The VERY BEST statement that the experts in the Information Technology field are willing to commit to is "WE DON'T KNOW HOW BAD IT (Y2K) IS GOING TO BE". Can you understand that? Read it several times to be sure. The
very professionals on the very front lines DO NOT KNOW the severity of this UNPRECEDENTED EVENT. The Y2K column which drew me to this board is exactly the kind of DANGEROUS misinformation that alarms me. It can endanger you, your family and friends. The folks writing such "Don't Worry, Be Happy" type of pieces are writing from IGNORANCE. They try to make you feel stupid, that you just DON'T UNDERSTAND computers, etc, so take
their word that all will be rosy. They don't know if it will be or not! Ask yourself, also: Why has the British government issued a warning to their subjects to store food, money and water? Why has the American Red Cross just issued a warning to store food, water and money? Why is the Canadian military being mobilized on an unprecedented scale during peacetime? Why are bankers and local and state governments feverishly seeking LEGAL IMMUNITY against any Y2K-related LOSSES or DAMAGES? So, in closing, I ask: Will you face this event on a "don't worry" by some newspaper writer who is likely already stashing their own supplies?
Especially when the experts themselves DON'T KNOW? Will your familys' safety depend on limited police and fire/rescue services? On armed soldiers in a condition of martial law? Now your eyes start to open. Too late to arm yourselves - your government has robbed you of the tools of effective self-defense (that no upright, decent government need fear in the hands of its' people). Get a club or bow and arrow - if still legal. Maybe the wifes' frying pan or the Hubbys' 9-Iron. Pretty pathetic, huh? And YOU are the good-guy! Get what food you can, get the HELL out of big cities, and most of all GOOD LUCK. Gun-crazy American Cowboy? No. But I am a good, decent, God-fearing free man. I take responsibility for my own safety and that of my family in the coming crisis. Find a spine and do the same! At least THINK for yourself - research the Y2K issue YOURSELF. Will you risk all on a "we don't know"? How about "trust us"?

Anyways, I offer it here for the warning it can give to the Y2K-newbies out there, who are hearing only what the idiot-box and the InterNIT (as in nit-wit) are spouting. Darn, lookit the time! ZZZzzz... I can't quit surfing and posting - it's like potato-chips! Aieeee!
Herr G., i think you summed it up pretty well. be prepared, if nothing happens then you won't have to go shopping for awhile. ;)