
New member
Read that FEMA will be holding a nationwide exercise on May 1 in conjuntion with the National Guard and other local agencies. Looks like Y2K is still on the front burner for Uncle Sam. Glad he is on the watch.
I find that premise scary. If Slick willie decides to declare an emergency and martial law, we could very well be in deep kimchee. All he'd have to do is send the National guard around door to door and pick up all our firearms. Then Hitler, oops, I mean Klinton would have us where he wants us.Think it can't happen here? Look at what happened in Germany from 1932 to 1938. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. A wise man once said that. The big difference here is the Germans were in a deep financial depression, and here we are too fat, dumb, and happy. Tne hooray for me, to hell with you attitude of many contribute to this situation.
Before somebody ups and calls me paranoid, let's go back a few years. Sometime in the 50's, the NRA printed an article that had to do with "The 10 Rules to Overthrow a Goverment." I don't remember all 10, but I do remember these. Cause the registraton of all firearms in order to have a list to enable confiscation. Legalize, or at least allow the people to have pornography. Legalize, or at least allow people the availability to drugs. (Why are we losing the war on drugs?)
The strange part about this is the NRA later said the article was in fact a hoax perpetrated on them, and was not factual. It makes one think, was some kind of pressure brought to bear on the NRA at that time, and if so, by who? Seems to me that that is when they really began to start compromising with the "enemy" and the quality of their support began to go down. I'm going to have to look into this, if I can find the back issues to get dates etc.
Paul B.
Who We Are
FEMA is an independent federal agency with more than 2,600 full time employees. They work at FEMA headquarters in Washington D.C., at regional and area offices across the country,at the Mount Weather Emergency Assistance Center, and at the FEMA training center in Emmitsburg, Maryland. FEMA also has nearly 4,000 standby disaster assistance employees who are available to help out after disasters. Often FEMA works in partnership with other organizations that are part of the nation's emergency management system. These partners include state and local emergency management agencies, 27 federal agencies and American Red Cross.

Since taking office, Mr. Witt has led FEMA through more than 176 Presidentially declared disasters in some 3,655 counties in all 50 states and territories, including the most costly flood disaster in the nation's history, the most costly earthquake, and a dozen damaging hurricanes.(* My emphesis) He reorganized FEMA into a pro-active customer-focused agency recognized by President Clinton and Vice President Gore as a model for successful government.

Feel a bit uncomfortable yet?

My Sheriff just announced there will be no vacations taken by any employee, sworn or non-sworn, the last week of December and the first week of January.

Bruce Stanton
I think the National Guard drill was a communications check using HF radio. No telephones, satellites, etc.

Bruce Stanton
I've got a very good friend who's on the US Border Patrol who says that they are worried about a collapse of the southern US border on or about Jan 1999. My pal said that they had a well-equipped fall back position several miles north of the border. I don't believe that they are worried about an armed invasion, but rather an invasion of refugees from countries who are not prepared for possible/probable problems.
Destructo6: Not to be a smartmouth, but in some areas along the border, how could you tell?

What's interesting to me is that in my area, downriver from Presidio, TX, there is little cross-border illegal traffic, all the way down to Del Rio. A local-area Mexican town, Manuel Benavides (aka San Carlos) has a very localized policy of scaring off would-be illegals, since "We belong to them", as we are a job-source. We get very few wets crossing in this area. Mostly, it's too damned harsh and rugged, and too much more walking to jobs.

Some years back, I drove along the old rail line from Columbus, NM to El Paso. The border is identified by a barbed wire fence. Well, the signs said it was an International Border. No farms, ranches, nor villages in sight. No Border Patrol (Puercos, Migras, in local parlance) in sight, either.

Isolated? They've had real, live train robberies west of El Paso!

Wetbacks? War on Drugs? Tell me a 'tory, Mommy?

Read an interesting article from Jack Anderson on Y2K.
"By Jack Anderson, and Jan Moller

The story our government doesn't want you to know was broken not by a major TV network or national newspaper. It was encapsulated instead by a front-page picture, which ran in February on the front page of a small Virginia paper called "The Potomac News."
Captioned "Y2K riot training," the photo depicted a Marine private trying to "force herself backward through a line of Marines during a civil unrest exercise at Quantico Marine Corps base" outside Washington."
Paul Morceau--read the article. It was highly disturbing. I read it because it is my home town paper (at least for now). They said that the premise for the exercise was to prepare for government employees rioting because they hadn't been paid on 01/01/00.

Someone told me that if you have a bill of sale for a firearm, when "the man" comes to collect your "registered" firearms you can say you sold it (and get away with not having to give it up). If that doesn't work, dig it up from the backyard and show it to them ammo first. Just a thought...

"Time changes everything"
The proper way to give arms to JBTs is bullets first -- while they are bugging your neighbor. Passive defense isn't much, but crossfire works!

Cornered Rat
ddb.com/RKBA Updated March 20
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."
The federal government is surely looking after it's people...... From the http://www.drudgereport.com/matt.htm
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Attorney General Janet Reno has quietly created a small agency within the FBI that will deal with Y2K repercussions.

The agency, The National Domestic Preparedness Office, is now up and running -- and preparing -- despite the fact it does not officially exist! Congress has not yet approved its budget.

A mission statement from the NDPO: "To coordinate all Federal efforts, including those of the Department of Defense, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Energy, and the Environmental Protection Agency, to assist State and local first responders with planning, training, equipment, and exercise necessary to respond to a conventional or non-conventional weapon of mass destruction incident."[/quote]
What scares me is that when ever we have these entities developed for "emegency purposes" they never seem to go away. Didn't the BATF have its roots in something ancient history calls prohibition? Here in North Carolina we still pay a "temporary" food tax which, as I understand it, was developed to help a budget short coming.

From: Ivan 5-11-99- 740PM EDT Yes, the total NG had their "mobilization" already. It was to see if they could get in touch with members in a state of emergency. I heard it went ok, but how will it go if the baloon really goes up? Will these NG's leave their families if chaos occurs such as a possible Y2K meltdown? Who really knows, but one thing I believe is possible. Clinton with his many executive orders and Femas organization could spell trouble for the American People. Ivan