Y2K Conspiracy Goes Mainstream


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Y2K Conspiracy Goes Mainstream
by Declan McCullagh

3:00 a.m. 15.Jul.99.PDT
WASHINGTON -- For many Y2K fanatics, the scariest threat on 1 January 2000 is not technology at all. It's the far more sinister specter of a power-mad president imposing martial law.
Dark visions of US Marines stomping through backyards on New Year's Eve 1999 are a staple of innumerable Y2K discussion groups. A typical post: "There is nothing secret about the fact [that the] US, UK and Canada are preparing for martial law."

These sorts of ruminations are no longer the sole domain of fringe conspiracy buffs. They got a boost Wednesday from a conference hosted by the staid US Reserve Officers Association, an eminently respectable organization that Congress chartered in 1920.

During the full-day meeting, titled "National Conference on Presidential Powers and Executive Orders," and organized by an anti-UN advocacy group, legislators and lawyers warned that President Clinton could see Y2K disruptions as a convenient excuse to call out the troops and declare martial law.

"President Clinton might take that opportunity?" asked an audience member from Concerned Women for America.

"That is my fear," replied Representative Jack Metcalf (R-Washington). "It seems to me that the only emergency that we might see coming is the Y2K. [With] a power-hungry president, who knows what he might do."

Conference organizer Cliff Kincaid agreed: "It appears we don't have a President anymore. We have a king." Kincaid is head of America's Survival, which is devoted to combating global organizations in general and the UN in particular.

Attendees seemed suitably scared. Carolyn Betts, who was reading The Day After Roswell, said she suspected a clandestine agency had bombarded her office in Washington with high-frequency audio. "Both the people and the dogs had diarrhea," said Betts, and the masonry started to crumble.

For real Y2K conspiracy fans, the highlight of the day was a presentation by William Olsen, a lawyer at a McLean, Virginia, law firm.

"We're headed on the road to tyranny," he said.

Olsen declined to predict whether martial law -- or similar restrictions, such as military courts, seizure of private property, and suspension of normal due-process rights -- would definitely happen due to Y2K.

But he did distribute to the 30-person audience a 27-page legal document he had coauthored. It shows, in exhaustive detail, that whoever occupies the Oval Office has near limitless power to declare emergencies and call out the troops, as President Wilson did in 1914 when he ordered the Army into Colorado with orders to disarm all residents and even police.

Could it happen again? Quite possibly, Olsen said. "One wonders what the reaction will be next time."

There have been earlier signs that some Washingtonians are considering an aggressive response to Y2K.

Senator Robert Bennett, the Utah Republican who chairs the Senate Y2K task force, has asked the Pentagon what plans it has "in the event of a Y2K-induced breakdown of community services that might call for martial law," and a House subcommittee has recommended that President Clinton consider declaring a Y2K "national emergency."

Like Olsen, other conference-goers cited history as evidence that martial law could go into effect. They pointed to President Lincoln, who usurped constitutional authority in well-chronicled ways.

During the Civil War and Reconstruction, Lincoln's government arrested and tried civilians in military and civilian courts, ignoring rules of habeas corpus. This led to the passage of the Posse Comitatus Act, which restricts using the military for domestic law enforcement.

Lincoln's justification was the inherent power of the commander-in-chief and his duty to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully Executed."

When it comes to the use of troops to restore order during riots, however, the President can suspend the Posse Comitatus Act with the stroke of a pen. The law doesn't cover soldiers deployed as authorized by the Constitution or exempted from the act by statute.

Further, some worry that courts may not be willing to confront the military during a time of genuine crisis. "A court may simply avoid deciding an important constitutional question in the midst of a war," Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist wrote in All the Laws but One.

All the more reason to limit presidential authority, especially executive orders, says Congressman Metcalf. "The President's use of executive orders and proclamations is reckless," he said.

Metcalf has introduced a nonbinding resolution that says, "It is the sense of the Congress" that executive orders be curtailed. He said he has 71 co-sponsors, including House Judiciary committee chairman Representative Henry Hyde (R-Illinois).[/quote]


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..."
Somehow, I have the sinking feeling he will declare his "emergency" well before New Years Eve, or Day.
Paul B.
A non-binding resolution. Yeah, that'll work. Clintoon doesn't give two s***s for the law; why should he care about Congress waggling its collective finger in his face?

What we need is a binding resolution on King William. That is to say, if he steps out of line again, we resolve to bind him hand and foot and hang his scurvy arse from the top of the Washington Monument.

Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine

THAT would work! After all, that's where all of his dialog issues from!


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..."
From what I have been hearing from investigative reporters on shortwave, it looks like martial law is inevitable. I think the only fly in the ointment is if the majority of US military and militarized Federal and local police refuse to follow the orders to impliment martial law. You have a new breed of soldiers and Marines inour Armed forces that I believe wil not hesitate to follow any order given them by the US NWO Regime. THe foreign troops that are here now certainly will relish dishing out brutality to the masses;that is a given. All these military forces,both domestic and foreign,plus the large numbers of militarized police are being conditioned by the leadership that they will be fighting terrorists! Guess who these "terrorists" are? Thats right. You and me. Like I have stated before, the beast system will use virtual reality to fake scenes of destrution and blame, of coarse, the patriots. Science fiction? Bet me.

What freques do you listen to and what time's????

[This message has been edited by Joey (edited July 19, 1999).]
That is supposed to be mainstream??!!

People reading UFO books and claiming that runny dog-doo is indicative of covert hi-tech attacks hardly scream "John Q. Citizen" to me.

Wake me on Jan 2nd when it all hasn't even started. ;)

Joey, I'm not convinced Ivan has a shortwave; I think he receives the signals directly, ifyouknowwhatImean. ;)

[This message has been edited by Ewok (edited July 20, 1999).]
Ewok, that was pretty low, don't ya' think?
i don't go along w/ alot of what he says, but it ain't too much worse than alot of other posts......MO!!

what me worry?
I'm not into all of the conspiracy stuff yet, but I did see something I thought was quite strange recently. It was at Dulles airport last week. I don't know how many of you have ever flown out of Dulles, but you have to park about a mile away and take a shuttle bus to the terminal. Well, here I am on this shuttle bus going in a side gate to the airport when I see this small sign on a post that says "GERMAN MILITARY <--- ". I don't know what to make of this, but it's not a second hand report, I saw it with me own two eye's.
Erm, this may be a stupid question, but if the sign is intended to be read by the Einsatzkommandos, shouldn't it have been written in German?

Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine
When I was in Germany, U.S. forces usually had German bus drivers. Safe to assume (yeah, I know... :) ) that Auslaenders would have American bus drivers. Then again, in Texas, perhaps the sign should have been in Spanish! :)

BTW, the German, Iranian, Arabian, etc. officers I have met in San Antonio all spoke pretty good English! Wasn't recently, of course, but I would assume (again!) they speak enough English to perform their missions.

PS (later entry) 30-40 years ago, the EAST German officers I spoke with usually spoke English & Russian (as well as German, of course). Many of the troops, however, spoke only Russian as a second language. Same held true for the "People's Police" (Volks Polizei).

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 20, 1999).]
About martial-law, we've heard lots of talk about the depleation of our armed forces and they being spread out all over the world. How many people think there are enough troops to cover this entire country. It took what, 35,000-50,000 for Kosovo and thats a tiny (in size) country. The U.S. has how many 100 millon people over a HUGE area, it would take everything our gov. has and I don't think they'll do it. If they do what have they gained, most people today are sheeple and go along without questioning anything. The gov. has pretty good control over the masses today.

Just my $0.02
The best place to find Y2K stuff on shortway is on World Harvest Radio. They send out "Endtime" religious messages and least time to peole who advacate a return to the goldstandard, stocking up on MREs, and books about Black Helios.

Coast to Coast, starring Art Bell is another good place on the AM dial, runs all night. Popular when folks fall asleep.

I really think this whole thing is just a money making racket. Please don't worry about the end of the world.

Bear in mind, when the government wants to keep a secret (i.e. the A-bomb) it stays a secret. If something was really going on, the first you'd hear of it was when the troops kick in the door.
Keeping the A-Bomb a secret during the 40's was hard enough... how much harder do you think it would be to keep pending martial law a secret from 250 million Americans of which about 100 million have internet access?
Here goes! Joey, here are a few times and frequencies; 1) Clay Douglas m-f ,9-10Am EDT 12.160 2) Col. Bo Gritz m-f 10-12 AM EDT 12.160 3) David K. Smith m-f 7-9AM 5.070(heavily jammed it seems.Try 8-9PM EDT m-f 3.215 4) John Stadtmiller 3-4 PM EDT m-f 12.160 5) Alex JOnes has moved to 9.475 m-f 6-7PM EDT 6) Jeff Bennett 8-9PM EDT m-th 5.070 7) Stan Solomon m-th 9-11PM EDT 5.070 Someone mentioned Harvest radio. They are also good with Chuck Harder on , I believe,2-4 PM EDT 9.475 and 5-7 pm Edt on 5.745 or 5.755. ONce you start listening, you will get schedules. No, Ewok I am not making this up. Shortwave does exist with excellent info for those who seek the truth,not Connie Scums stuff or Dan Blathers government conditioned news. I dont believe everything I hear on shortwave, but there is a bunch of circumstantial evidence to lead me to believe somethings in the wind. I am not enjoying being a profit of doom if you want to call me that. And I hope I am wrong on all that I have said. But if I was betting money on business as usual from now to January 1, I would bet that Federales are ready to lock us into NWO officially. Joe the Redneck, you may be quite correct in your statemnet that it wont take many foreign troops to con trol the American Masses. Yep, the great majority are conditioned to follow orders. I am getting tired of talking to them,including relatives and friends. Maybe its the floridated water all those city folks drink! It is a relaxing chemical you know.
Get real!! Clinton wouldn't even send helicopters in to combat in Kosovo out of fear that they would be shot down and the pilots killed or captured. A takover of the continental U.S. would result in a bloodbath never seen before in the history of mankind. We have over 80 million armed citzens and states that are larger in area than most European countries. UN forces would be lucky if they could take S. Dakota (no offense to S. Dakota folks )
Atticus, since 90% of the American people now live in urban-suburban areas, it might not take very many Federal-UN troops to keep things under control. These city folk ,even the ones armed wont be too difficult to control,especially if there is some kind of real or imaginary food shortage. The deal would be food for guns. Also ,in the urban areas is the good possiblilty that the heavily armed drug gangs would be used by Federal forces as auxiliaries to suppress the little opposition there may be. It is a known fact that these urbanand now even suburban gangs get Federal economic support as they move around the nation into more and more suburban areas. When states try to stop these welfare free loading gangs from getting funds, the courts support these drug gangs with their rulings. At anyrate, the battle will be in the rural areas and here it will be touch and go. With defections from the police and military very possible, the patriots would have a fighting chance. But,for sure, there sure isnt any 80 million in opposition to the NWO in this country. THere probably isnt 8 million rural residents total in this country today. I am sure that if we still had a strong rural economy of only 30years ago instead of the near complete destruction of our agricultural community(most small farmers and dependent towns and economies gone) no one would be in the least worried about a takeover. But the great majority of the Us population is now concentrated in urban-suburban areas. These areas,although loaded with people,may not be so hard to subdue.
Couple weeks ago, on the freeway, I somehow found myself next to a long convoy of dull, brown Mercedes-Benz buses. They all had "BUNDESWEHR" on their rear bumpers.
At ElPaso Airport, there is a section (kept closed off from public) designated "LUFTWAFFE".

At the pistol range at Fort Bliss, my wife and I were treated to an arrogant display of unsafe and irresponsible gun-handling so bad that we went to the rangemaster to gripe about the Japanese tourists. He laughed and informed us they were not tourists but Japanese military. I have also seen one very large barrel-chested Russian officer there whom I was told was a Russian Army General.
