xtreme bullet price increases


New member
So i was looking thru my sales history and i noticed back in march i bought 500.00 115 grain plated bullets for 36.00 now they are 51.00. Thats a 42% increase in price. I work in sales and we have seen 10 to 15% increases but not 42%.I cant see many people able to reload due to mass primer shortages. So im preplexed at the drastic increase in prices with them. I never really wanted to get into bullet casting but looks like I will. You can still buy 1lbs lead ingots at 2.99 pound. Powder coating is still pretty cheap. and if you can get the lead free even better. anybody else started to get into casting vs paying these ridiculous prices? I have also noticed bullet molds are in short supply now.

Hope everyone is doing well,

shop around, basspro has the old pricing. buying directly from xtreme is cost prohibitive now. I shoot bear creek supply bullets when xtremes are unavailable.
Welcome to bullet casting. Post a thread on how to set-up and lot of people will explain to you how to start.
Your not going to "save" any money by reactively getting into casting. By the time you factor in all the additional cost outlay of casting components you will need to shoot tens of thousands of rounds to recoup the initial investment then see an actual cost "savings". What casting will provide is shooting "independence" from political gun panics and projectile un-availability .
I stopped buying from Xtreme when they stopped the free shipping a few years ago, you can do better elsewhere, shop around.
Average Joe said:
I stopped buying from Xtreme when they stopped the free shipping a few years ago, you can do better elsewhere, shop around.

Not in this current market. I just bought 1K .40 180gr and 1K of .380 100 gr from Xtreme . A $19 flat rate ship fee and the total was $240 . This is pretty much what I would pay at my LGS last year during normal times.
I have some scrap lead and molds but I haven't cast in several years. I may eventually get back into it..........
There you go. $240 for 2000 bullets. Last time I looked an RCBS mold was about $80 so that tells you how long it would take to pay it off. Less than a thousand bullets

However $3/lb for lead sounds pretty darn expensive to me
I stopped buying from Xtreme when they stopped the free shipping a few years ago, you can do better elsewhere, shop around.
No such thing as "free shipping"; that cost is built in somewhere. Everyone I know who works for UPS and Fedex collects a paycheck.
As to their price increase, raw materials are in short supply due to huge demand. A company prices their products based on what their replacement costs for materials will cost.
I bought some coated 115 9MM from Brazos recently, 42.00 for 889 bullets, shipping was 7.00 plus tax came to less than .06 each. Look them up. I've only shot a few of them so I don't know how accurate yet. I also bought some 125s that were a little more expensive as fewer will go in the box due to the heavier bullet.