XT will not fire.


New member
Took my BXT out for the first time this year. Will not fire, appears to be on permanent safe. Shells in either chamber will not fire no matter what I do.
Not sure what's up. I usually shoot my BT99 so not many rounds through the XT, less than 1000 over the years I've had it. Thanks all.
If it were mine....I look for simple stuff first ! I'm assuming the gun is clean..../ and you didn't do something foolish - like put it away wet for years...?? Remove the shells from the gun....
a. Can you move the barrel selector / safety in all 4 directions..../ make sure its not on safe...( I know its stupid - but it happens ).../ then try to dry fire it.

b. Take the forend and the barrels off the gun.

Make sure there is nothing in the receiver - under cocking lever, etc ( like a pine needle - or debris ) that is preventing the gun from cocking.

Make sure the cocking lever and the cocking lever lifter are ok ../ lube them a little....

Put the gun back together...seat the forearm firmly. Make sure the barrels go back on the receiver smoothly and effortlessly...nothing binding.

As you open the gun - you should be able to hear the gun cock. See if you can dry fire. If one barrel fires...then shift safety on and off...and fire the 2nd barrel. Test it 2 or 3 times..
If that didn't fix it ....I'd take the stock off...inspect firing pins, springs, etc..
for any issues...
If any of that is beyond where you're comfortable ...then you need to find a knowledgeable gunsmith on Browning Citori's. Or talk to one of your buddies that can look at the gun personally and inspect it for you.
( this kind of diagnosis is hard to do over the internet - without the gun in our hands)....
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Thank you both. Nothing happens when trigger pulled, no movement. Safety moves in all directions. Appears safety doesn't disengage. Gun cleaned and lubed after last use,trap session, with no issues at that time.
Listen to Jim. When was the last trap session and what was done as far a cleaning and lubing. From what you say, you haven't done section b of his suggestions.
The locking bolt was not fully engaging. The gun felt locked up but not enough to allow the release lever to move enough to set the action. Used Emory cloth and machine oil on bolt and now it locks and functions. Thanks all.