XS Skeet marked XS


I am looking to buy a new Citori XS Skeet and the one I have located puzzles me. "XS Skeet" is engaved in gold on the receiver. However, the receivers pictured in the 2011 Browning catalogue and on line only say "XS". Does anyone have an explanation for the discrepancy?
I have the 2007 and the 2010 Browning catalogs and in these the XS Skeet gun only has "XS" on the receiver. The XS Special says "XS Special" If you are looking for a skeet gun and it says skeet on it, I'm thinking it's a skeet gun. Maybe call Browning. Or, you could check the serial number on the Browning website and it should show the year and model. Here is a pic that I found that looks like it says XS Skeet


  • W01204%20CITORI%20XS%20SKEET.jpg
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That is what I have been wondering, whether it is an older model than 2011. I can't make out too well what it says on the one in the picture oregunner found, but it looks like that. Heck, if it is a 2010 model and the price is reduced accordingly, who cares as long as it has tall the same attriburtes. No, oneounce, they won't plug up the barrel ports.
I was also going to say it is very possible that you could have bought a gun new in 2011 that was a 2010 model.
You are right, ripnbst, but I haven't bought it yet. I have had it put in the back room for 48 hours why I decide if I want it. The salesman also said he thought it came with 5 chokes. He may be wrong, but the 2011 model comes with only 3. If I have any question as to what it is, I will take oregunner's suggestion and match the serial number to the year of manufacture.

I know one thing, the wood on this one is gorgeous.
My Brownings all came with three - field were flush-mounted IC, M, F; target were flush-mounted SK, IC, M - my understanding is now the target guns at least come with extended tubes

I added Briley extended chokes and do not use the flush factory ones that came with the gun
XS Skeet model ( not sure when / or if the marks on receiver changed / or if its a misprint in catalog photo ) - but the model comes with 3 chokes - all flush - and Invector Plus - 2 Skeet and one Imp Cyclinder.

The only guns currently coming with extended chokes - are some of the 625 series / and the XS Special series.

The Citori XT Trap comes with flush chokes too - Invector Plus - 2 Full and one Improved Mod.

If the wood on the XS Skeet model you found is great --- go with it / and don't look back - as you know, I think its a great all around gun.

You can date - from the serial number code...if it matters to you / but I don't see any reason to worry about it - a new gun, is a new gun regardless of when it was built. I doubt any dealer will negotiate price based on when it was made - unless Browning made the dealer a special deal on the gun to clear out some inventory - and then hopefully he would pass some portion of his savings on to you in terms of the deal. Good luck on this gun.
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It has a 2006 manufacturing date. The functional difference between it and the current model is that the older one is backbored but it does not have lengthened forcing cones.