Wyoming Resident Hunters

Barnacle Brad

New member
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Last year (and this) there has been much debate regarding a preference point system for all lottery draws for residents in Wyoming.

I know there are a number of Wy residents that comment on this forum. I would like to invite anyone interested to join the group, Coalition to prevent any further resident preference points in Wyoming

This is a Facebook Group. If you would like to join, in order to stay informed of the goings on, please message me with your email address, then I can send you an invitation to join.

Thanks for your interest.
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As far as I'm concerned, the points system is a joke.
Strictly for suckers that think they have more of a chance later on.
If everyone puts in every year, how is a preference point going to do any good?
Its a money game scam.
I sent many letters to legislators last year and a response from one of the Representatives explained how the PP system is an "end around" attempt to increase G&F revenues. He said they have plenty of money in the budget but choose to spend it on programs not related to the enhancement of game management.

G&F tried to get a license increase 2 years ago(?) that failed and this was the means (PP System) to increase revenue.

I typically don't have an issue with G&F doing what it does best. But it bothers me when groups form to sway the decision making of the legislators to ram the PP System down our throats. What do these groups have to gain by implementing a PP sys? You start to think they have found loop holes to exploit by means of having a fat wallet.

If anyone is interested, I can share some of the emails I received from the Bills sponsor, Senator Hicks, and also from the Representatives not go supporting it.
Barnacle, I am a Wyoming native. Could you please expound on the reasoning behind your push against point systems for residents? Other than the idea that it is only a "end around money making scheme" by the G&F? I am personally thinking a PP system might be good for younger hunters, giving them some hope in those areas I haven't been able to draw in 44 years!

I would have no beef at all if they wanted to initiate a PPS specifically for Trophy Hunt areas - or just Elk, but they want to do a blanket system for every tag to be drawn.

As far as being good for younger hunters, do you mean younger hunters that can afford to purchase points or younger hunters who depend on their parents to buy them points?

In either case, it seems to me that it boils down to matter of wealth and who can afford to purchase points.
Ok, I am referring to younger hunters who apply (probably Dad pays the money) when they are 12, 13, 14. It is pretty discouraging to want to hunt antelope so bad, yet not draw! I know from experience, they don't understand.

As far as elk and deer, a kid ( or his dad) can always buy a general tag, just like you and I do. But for a youngster (and us older Pokes) to really get hooked, wouldn't it be nice to accumulate points each year you apply for areas like Deer 128 and Elk 100?

Wouldn't a point system only apply to limited quota anyway? Points awarded when you apply if unsuccessful?

I'm missing something here.

I think we should be more interested in getting the Legislature to figure out a way for the non-hunting outdoorsman to foot some of the wildlife management costs. I see millions of dollars of sportsman's money going to management of non-sporting wildlife and habitat.

License fees, Pitman-Robertson and Dingle-Johnson funds, boating registrations, etc. are all paid for by the sportsman, nothing by the bird watcher!

I think that anything we can do to get younger people interested in hunting, be it a point system or something else, is money well invested. Just my opinion.

I am going to request to join your FB group. Maybe you and others can convince me otherwise.

Great hunting!
Wouldn't a point system only apply to limited quota anyway? Points awarded when you apply if unsuccessful?

I'm missing something here.

I think that the point I am making and what is missed by you, and others, is that limited quota includes reduced price doe/fawn tags not just the "any" tags up for draw. I would rather take my chances with a random draw than risk an influx of competition that will one day require me to buy preference points to draw a doe tag in my back yard.

I understand the frustration of not being able to draw consistently in certain areas - even not drawing at all like you experience, but how much more competition for those tags will there be when folks now think they will have better chance by buying points?

I think it a slippery slope, with unintended consequences and saddling the hunter with an unjust financial burdon.

You make good points about deriving revenue from other sources that should garner attention and consideration from G&F.

I am all for encouraging kids to take up hunting and be successful to boot. That would include the children from working single moms to the wealthy business owners. Hunting should not be a luxury item.
I sent a PM request to be invited to the Group.

I'm for what ever it takes to keep hunting from becoming a "rich man's sport".

I spent 22 years in Alaska before retiring back here.

During that 22 years, that's exactly what happened there. In Alaska Hunting is a rich man's sport. Unless you live in the middle of no where, you have to own a plane or have the funds to pay someone with a plane.

Since I moved to Alaska, I couldn't wait to retire and get back to Wyoming, Everything I went to Alaska for is better in Wyoming.

I don't want it to change.
Not a Wyo resident, but---

As a non-resident, I was putting in for an antelope tag every year thinking that Wyo was like Colorado, where you got your money back except for a few peso, and got a point each year. Wrong. Had to pay a lot for points. To hell with that. I just hunt my home state, as Colorado gives all but $3 back and you get a point each year. Just my 2 cents.
Colorado Redneck,

I have deleted this post because I was wrong in the explanation. Non Wyoming Residents are required to pay extra for their preference point. $30 for antelope. With the application fee, this brings a non-resident antelope license to $316.

Wyoming Resident hunters can only accumulate PP's on sheep and moose, and are not charged for them if they submit an application for the drawing. Residents can purchase a point for $10 if they do not apply for the drawing.

As of 2014, Residents do not accumulate points for any other species except sheep and moose.
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Thanks for the explanation, Wyoredman. I was the one that ass-umed the points system in Wyoming was the same as here. I thought I was accumulating points and when I checked, found out there were none on my record.

As it turns out, I know some ranchers by Pawnee Buttes and have enough points for a couple of black powder antelope tags. So all is well.

Thanks for you patience. :)