Wyoming Elk over the counter elk tags


New member
Wyoming is now authorizing up to 3 elk per hunter.

You can purchase over the counter elk tags in many areas, resident and non-resident a like.

If you missed out on a draw, and want a cow/calf, come and get them.

If you have a Elk tag and looking for a bull, you can still buy some good eating (cow/calf) over the counter.


If anyone out there finds themselves with more elk meat than they can handle as a result of this, I will gladly assist. I have freezerspace and a healthy appetite. :)
Little help for an out of stater. I had planned to hunt Colorado's 2nd season, last week of October. I am in a position where I must be flexible and may have to cancel at the last minute so OTC tags are my only option. My dad is 89 and in fragile health. For right now he is fine, but over the last few years he has been hospitilaized several times. A total of 9 weeks between last Thanksgiving and April.

I can be in Colorado in 24 hours driving time. Wyoming is a day farther, but much cheaper on tags. I have hunted in Colorado, so I wouldn't be going in totally blind there like in Wyoming.

How about a little advice. Point me in the direction of a decent unit with public land that I could hunt on the cheap. I'm looking for a hunt, killing something big is a bonus, I'd be happy with anything legal, and wouldn't call it a failure if I came home empty handed.

Go to the Wyoming fish and game site I posted and down load the area maps.

Look and Eld Area 108, right across the state line from Colorado. Tons of left over cow/calf tags and plenty of government land. The BLM land is intermingled with Rail Road land, checker board type.

When you get the the F&G area maps look at the boundaries carefully, then go to the USGS Map Store and buy 1:24000 (7.5 Min) scale maps. You can study the area, where you want to hunt, how to get there, without leaving your living room. Add to that, check out the area on "Google Maps" to get a bird's eye view of the area.

If you can read a map, and do a little bit of work you can learn the area like the back of your hand without ever stepping foot in Wyoming.

Do the same thing with any area you choose. There are some better areas in the western part of the state but may require driving farther.

Personally I dont hunt down south, I'm hunting area 1, which is just of the road.
Thanks, I'll give this some research. Colorado is pretty much everyones first choice from GA. but I sorta think the odds of success might be a bit better in Wyoming.

The area we have hunted is about 1/2 way between Craig and the WY border. Looking at the map it appears to not be that much farther.