WY Area C


New member
Me and 3 of my flatlander buddies are headed to Wyoming for mulie/antelope this fall in Area C. This is a first time trip for all of us and we're wondering about "geography" Our guess is high plains, i.e. hills and grassland. Any input as to what kind of real estate we're gonna be looking at would be greatly appreciated.

Thx Gary
Alot of region C is the foothills of the Bighorn Mnts. You'll run in to the hills and grass and flats, just depends on how close to the mountains you are. I've hunted with Wyoming Wildlife Outfitters a couple of times out of Sheridan. His spots closer to the mountains were more steep than the spots further out. We chased a group of bucks for about an hour up and down the hills, through the sage, and by the time we got a chance to get a shot I could hardly catch a breath. Needless to say, I missed. There's a lot of big bucks in that area. Good luck on your hunt.
Many Many Thx

Download and install Google Earth (free program, but needs a fast connection). Then you can look at satelite photos of the area in 3-D.

Now that is COOL!

I had an earlier version but it only seemed to cause problems w/ the computer so I got rid of it. This one seems to work really well.

Hmmmmm, I wonder: is there a way to show the animals in flourescent colors and in real time? Would sure save on gas. :D

Many thanks guys, your input is really appreciated. Looks like I better step up my conditioning program!

Thanks again, Gary
Glad to help. I rarely know any answers, but once in a while I can point to something (or someone) useful.

Good luck this fall!
Again many thanks (and to Algore for inventing the internet:p ) This is one of the great things about the WWW, the ability to share information.

Yes, be in good shape and bring a sturdy, light, comfortable, well broke in pair of hiking boots. I walk 10 miles a day sometimes hunting in SE MT. People laugh at this, but bring a clean pair of socks for every day you plan to hunt, and USE them. Be prepared to hunt in 70-80 degree weather and also 10 degree weather. It's always windy too. If tenting it, make sure they are damned sturdy units. Trust me on this one, watching a tent fly away in pieces makes for a bad day. If you get a bad rain storm and your out in the gumbo mud, stay in camp and drink beer until it dries up. That is some of the nastiest stuff you'll ever encounter

You from Fon Du Lac? I grew up just down the road from ya if so.
I just looked at the map and that region covers everything from the prairie to the top of the world. I hunted area 25 up near Burgess Junction one year. We got 30" of snow the 2 days before the deer season started. We were camped at 9000', hunting at close to 10000'. If I recall, though, other than the National Forests in the Big Horns, there wasn't a whole lotta public land to choose from in that whole region.
I just looked at the map :o and you're right. I/we were under the impression we were east and north of I-90 and west of whatever road coming off 16 north of Gillett. May head over there (to 25) just to sightsee (w/ the rifle of course;) ).

We're 'wussin' it rather than roughing it. Staying in Buffalo at a motel. We will have a tent and some gear along in case a couple of us decide to "spike" camp for a couple nights.

So I should leave my LaCrosse "Iceman" -50 pack boots home huh?:D As far as socks you'll get no argument or laughing here. I always bring enough for the trip, plus a couple extra just-in-case. I also usually "double-up" w/ polypropylene first, (silk's better but hard to find, not as durable, and tends to work its' way down around my toes) w/ a wool or wool/poly blend over top. Clean socks keep the feet warmer too.

As far as where to hunt, we've been advised to stop at the BLM office in Buffalo and get maps. Apparently the lands change somewhat every year. As there will be four of us w/ two vehicles we're gonna split up, and compare notes at night.

Not too suprised that you're a "Cheesehead", your "stay in camp and drink beer until it dries up" kinda gave it away. Where you from and do you ever get back here? If you do, the beer's always cold. :D

Thanks for your input. Gary

West Bend. Taking a quick trip back for a Packer Game next month, but I have not hunted there in quite a few years. Last hunt was '99, got a bear up near Wabeno.


I would highly suggest ordering maps before you get out there. Also, download and read the access guides too. The BLM changed some laws regarding ATV use about 5 years ago that now restricts them to roads. The surface Management Maps are great for locating all public lands. They are well worth it. I would suggest the Recluse, Gillette, Buffalo, Sheridan and Burgess Junction maps. I can point you to some exact spots up near Burgess Junction.
Order a Wyoming Gazetteer also. Very helpful in locating public lands throughout the state. You can do a google search and find a zillion sites where they can be purchased or I think you can get them directly from Delorme at their website. I think they cost about $20.
Taking a quick trip back for a Packer Game
Once a "Cheesehead" always a "Cheesehead". :D

The G'zteer is already on order. But I don't think any body's doing the maps. I think we were going to get them when we got out there and then get them updated in Buffalo. But I'll take the advice and get them now.

I also appreciate the area suggestions and any recommendations. I'll PM you my direct e-mail.
