
The Canuck

New member
Hey all,

I was just informed about this website. It rather succinctly tells us how the Mayor of Toronto feels about us. I think you all should swing by and take a peek. Maybe leave a note in the e-mail link at the bottom telling them what you think...

Yep, I might end up on the chopping block for exercising my Charter Rights.

Remember, even the left recognizes that when a big chunk of a demographic (in this case tourists who coincidentally own guns) writes in to tell them that they will not visit a city who hates law-abiding gun owners and will go spend thier money elsewhere (like Calgary, we love law-abiding gun owners!). If they hear from enough people the tourism sector will let the Mayor have it. He will be forced to knock this kind of crap off. Even lefties know that threatening the economy is political suicide.
Toronto is Like Chicago

Guys, most Canadians are just like Americans, with one big difference.

Politically, Canada is like Illinois. Most of the population is conservative, law-abiding, and freedom loving. But a big socialist city is dragging the state down.

Up north, Toronto, and Montreal are dragging the whole country down. It's essential the the commies running Toronto feel some economic pain. So, pass the word around to your friends, your clubs, your relatives. No tourism to Toronto. There are eighty million of you. And make sure the mayor knows.

If he gets his way in Toronto, the rest of the lefties in the country will be emboldened. And if the lefties in Canada get their way, can the Democrats be that far behind???
Someday Quebec will succeede from Canada, and give the Western provinces the opportunity to throw Ontario under a bus as well and set up shop for themselves.

Could be...or, lots of left wingers will leave the eastern and central provinces looking for work in Alberta and Alberta will swing liberal.

Anyway, whatever happens in the future, let Tor. know that you are offended by the anti-American gun-totin' remarks and will be spending money elsewhere.
Mayor Miller is insane. He says that criminals stealing legal guns from law abiding citizens is a "loophole". So to close this loophole, the state must take the guns away from honest people???

What sort of perverse thinking is that?

He has an abnormal obsession with firearms.

This article will help to explain it: http://jpfo.org/filegen-n-z/ragingagainstselfdefense.htm

Miller, born in California, lost his father to cancer when he was a young child. His mother moved to England and then to Ontario.

Judging from his appearance, I would guess that he was quite the target of bullies, fatherless, wimpy looking, etc. He got scholarships to a frou-frou private school in Ontario and then to Harvard, where he got an economics degree. This explains why he does not understand economics.

He got in because the more centrist candidates split the vote (caveat Ron Paul).

An economist, he thinks that cutting the supply will cut the demand. Idiot.

He really has it in for legal gun owners, but, strangely, not for criminal gun owners. He might have an abnormal affinity for the Toronto gang-bangers, who overwhelmingly do not have fathers. He is bullying legal gun owners. This guy has a classic case of reaction formation.

Well, Ontario gun owners are not sitting back on this one. Watch it carefully. If Obama gets in, and the Supreme Court lets you down by saying that reasonable government regulation of firearms is legal, you'll have to do this stuff in The States.
"...my Charter Rights..." Your Charter Rights don't include owning property of any kind.
Miller is making all this noise to get the press' and the public's attention off his fiscal irresponsibility and his inability to do anything about crime. Trudeau used the same tactic.