www.sksbuyback.org Fraud?

Jeff Thomas

New member
We've discussed the interesting site California's Attorney General has at http://www.sksbuyback.org/ . Now, my wife came home with some more interesting news.

According to a radio program, it seems many people in CA are becoming confused about their rifles. Wanting to be good, compliant citizens (and, apparently, hoping to make a profit), they are running down to their local police station with any SKS rifle they own. Now, CA only wants SKS Sporters right now - with detachable magazines, etc - they even have a dandy little test at http://www.sksbuyback.org/1.html .

Apparently, compliant CA citizens are turning in a lot of SKS rifles that don't meet their current standards. But, the LEO's, being ever so helpful, are taking any SKS rifle that is turned in, giving the good doobie a voucher, and then the citizen is sending in the voucher for their money. However, if their rifle doesn't qualify, the CA Attorney General isn't sending them the money. And ... get this ... they also can't get their rifle back!

Now, is that any way to make a good impression? ;)

Anyone else heard of this little fascist fraud?
Doesn't surprise me one damn bit.

Lockyer, Boxer, and Feinstein must be fudging their shorts in their excitement: "Look, confiscation won't be a problem after all! They're doing it for us! And we don't have to pay them!"

One word of advice for my California brethren (and sistren, gotta include DC): RUN! Get out while you still can!

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain

FIGHT, damn your eyes!

If they take California without a real political and legal knifefight the REST OF THIS DAMN COUNTRY IS NEXT.

Running never solved anything. It never will.

Jim March
http://www.ninehundred.com/~equalccw <- updates on Marin County, MAJOR revamp of what's going in my case in Contra Costa

That serves them perfectly right dealing with these A-holes in any way, shape, or form. What-- you expected any degree of honesty/integrity from skssellyourprinciples.org ?

You're right, coinneach. This is sending a gorgeous message to the disarmers.

Dear SKS owners of California:

This is an oportunity to send a message to gun-grabbers. "WE WILL NOT PARTICIPATE IN OUR OWN DESTRUCTION!" Not on any scale or in any increments.

I know $230 is a great price for an SKS that you paid $99 for. That's $230 that you could put towards a nicer gun, or more ammo, or whatever. But what their $230 is really buying them is an affirmation that gun owners will play ball... That's not for sale at any price!!

Bury it, sell it, throw it in a river but never give them the satisfaction.

They are testing the waters... show them that this water is boiling hot and they dare not wade any deeper.

[This message has been edited by Jordan (edited June 27, 1999).]

Can't do it. I'm too stubborn and so love to fight...Dad could never break me of either.

All this SKS business is doing is filtering out the wimps and fools, and we don't need them....best get them on the other side ASAP so they don't get in the way. As far as I am concerned its a "either with me or agin me" fight.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
From Ivan6-27-99 640PM EDT Sure the majority of gun owners will turn in weapons in Kalifornia or any where else in Amerika where such laws will be enacted. This is no surprise to me. Like I said somewhere else inFiringline,it will be a 5% war: 2.5% of the people infavor of controltype government,2.5% of people in favor of Constitutional government AND 95% of masses(A----) do not care one way or the other and will wait to see who wins and will be happy either way. This, I believe, is how it has been throughout history and why should things change now? Let these others turn guns in. Nothing will change their attitude anyway. They will not be in the battles to come anyway. I dont think mass demonstrations will happen at any rate. You cannot get enough peopleto make it worth while(you would need millions) We are fighting a corporate government(It is legal since masses have bought into its system(social security,tax system,drivers licences,etc. )which does not recognize Constitution in its court system. The corporate government that we have bought into is the problemand how to end it(The gold fringed US government flag is not the flag of the United States of America.It is the corporate flag of the US Corporate Government) is the big problem. How do you fight a huge corporation? It is the biggest corporation in the history of the world and perfectly legal because sheeple(You and me) bought into it starting in 1913. Ivan
It does not sound legal. If you are in CA, I would urge you to call the ACLU.

Why the ACLU? They are not on our side in the 2nd amendment, therefore they are against us.This isn't a gun issue, it's a matter of the government stealing private property. Drain their coffers in a fight between the state and another anti group.

This is theft by fraud. Like I said this is not a gun issue. Don't let it become a gun issue. This is why there is a 2nd amendment. This is the type of abuse of power the 2nd amendment was written to prevent.

If I promised to pay you $10K for a new Chevy pickup truck, and you delivered to me a new Ford pickup,,,,ya catch my drift?

Don't let the object stolen become the main point. Stress the crime, not what is being stolen.

I have to agree with Jim March.

If you can afford the time and the money and your relationships can handle the strain, TAKE THEM ON!

One of MY biggest frustrations is that I have to go to work for the majority of my day just to pay the bills! Then I have a family that needs my undivided attention when I'm home. I believe that most people are in that same situation, however I'm discovering there are ways to reverse it.

When I complete the implimentation of these ideas, then I (and my wife) will feel that we can fully throw ourselves into the fight, as Jim has done. (Of course, I'm making the assumption that you, Jim, are in that position already. If not, publicly chastise me and privately e-mail me on how you are doing it! :))

But, until then, we read when we can, we write our congressmen, and we work with one person at a time at the grassroots level.

But, we're not moving, dammit! This is our home!



"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

Bill Clinton (aka: Hopper) Al Gore (aka: Molt) Janet Reno (aka: Thumper)


[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited June 28, 1999).]
No way in hell I'm leaving the state I love and handing it to these witless, power hungry, egotistical, lying, gun grabbing, money stealing, cowardly crooks.

If anything, I hope enough of this occurs that some lawyer will see a good class action lawsuit he can take on contigency against the State of California.
More scary stuff about www.sksbuyback.org :
http://www.networksolutions.com/cgi-bin/whois/whois/?STRING=sksbuyback.org gives information about who is officially running the site. The administrative contact was originally listed as someone (I forget the name) with email & phone number in CHINA. After that fact was reported, the name & email was removed from the listing, but the phone number remained. Now the number has been changed again...this time to a company in AUSTRALIA.

Why is the California SKS confiscation web site being run by people in foreign countries seriously hostile to civilian gun ownership?
At my suggestion, the moderator of rec.guns has registered and setup web domains www.sksbuyback.COM and www.sksbuyback.NET . (People are very likely to type .COM instead of .ORG.) We'd really appreciate it if a California resident would take the initiative to come up with good content for the site; I don't think it's appropriate or effective for non-Californians to create CA-specific content. Any takers?
Just sent a note to Lockyer's web weenies, asking why the domain is hosted by Australia and previously China. If I get a reply (yeah, that'll happen), I'll post it here.