WWW link to the full text of Brady II legislation


New member

This page has some good plain talk about Brady II and has a button to the full text of the legislation.
This is CHILLING!!!

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws
make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for
an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. -ThomasJefferson
From the page: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>

The New Brady Bill will:

-Expand the definition of firearms to include component parts -- receiver, barrel, stock, ammunition magazine, "or any
part of the action" (pins, springs, screws, etc.).

-Require a federal arsenal license for a person to possess more than 20 firearms or 1,000 rounds of ammunition. License
is $300 for 3 years. (NOTE: A primer would be considered a round of ammunition)

-Essentially repeal the Brady Act by establishing a permanent national 7-day waiting period for handguns and handgun
ammunition sales. The National Instant Check system would apply only to long guns.

-Require "proper storage" of firearms and ammunition to prevent accessibility by juveniles (under 16 yrs. old). Adult is
liable even if a juvenile is only "likely" to gain access. Provisions are not limited to the premises of the adult's home. No
exception is made for theft. This
provision would "chill" the ability of any adult to own firearms because of the liability threshold. (NOTE: Non-compliance
is a federal crime. You will never own another gun)

-Increase FFL dealer fee by $1000 annually. Unannounced inspections are increased to 3 times per year. Gives BATF 6
months, instead of 45 days, to act on a license application.

-Prohibit the purchase or transfer of more than one handgun in any 30-day period.

-Require FFLs to carry up to $100,000 in insurance. Requires a federal firearms license to sell ammunition. "Arsenal"
license holder would be obligated to get insurance coverage.

-Bans "Saturday Night Specials," which are defined in several ways, including but not limited to:

1. Any revolver with a barrel of less than 3" and any pistol with a combined length and height of less than 10"
2. Any pistol lacking a "positive manually operated safety device." (This includes all Glock & Sigma Series pistols).

-Ban "non sporting ammunition," including the 73-year-old .50- cal. BMG cartridge and "any handgun ammunition
measuring more than .45" in diameter." (NOTE: .45 ACP measures .451) Also bans "any ammunition that contains an
incendiary or explosive charge" (NOTE: gunpowder is an incendiary, and primers are explosive charges).

-Ban "large-capacity ammunition feeding devices," defined as being capable of accepting more than 6 rounds. Also bans
any combination of parts from which such a device can be assembled. (large capacity??..Is this a joke???)

-Eliminate dealers' sales of firearms at gun shows. ( No need to worry about that Instacheck at gun shows huh.)[/quote]

The site for the complete text:



"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

Hey guys look at the date: 1994 and the 103 congress. I know they will keep hammering at us to get this passed someday, just don't get your dandruff up over this one, its dead meat.
Keep your vigilence up and vote correctly or they will shove this one down our throats. Just ask Monica she had a defective bill shoved down her throat, almost choked her too..
Yeah, it is old but recently clinton has called for a "tougher Brady Law".

Some of these items could be resurected.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

There's an excellent article in the August 99 issue of Handguns Magazine. It is one man's point of view on the CHS shootings and the like. Makes some very salient points!
I hope that they pass something like this. Make enough people felons in enough different way and force a showdown. Pity they are too smart to do this quickly.

Are you talking about Mas Ayoob?

If so, probably the best point he makes is that in every single school incident, when the attackers were confronted by overwhelming force, they surrendered.

Pardon my bluster.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain