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New member
prepare to get angry:

We, the people, are tired of having our schools invaded by psychotic youngsters. We, the people, are
tired of being robbed of our political leaders by some psychotic with a gun or a rifle. We, the people,
are tired of passing through metal detectors on our way to our courts and our governmental buildings.
We, the people, are tired of being victimized by gun carrying criminals.

While there are many long term solutions that would decrease the number of outlaw gun operators,
there will always be an unacceptable number of non-compliant gun operators in a country with a
population of 250 million people. We, the people, are faced with only two choices. One is to place
guards, metal detectors, and other devices designed to invade the personal liberties of the citizens at
every single place where the public gathers. The other alternative is to eliminate all guns and firearms
from the United States of America. Given that we must choose from one of these two choices, we, the
people, choose to eliminate all privately held guns and firearms from the United States of America.

We, the people, therefore call upon you, our elected representatives, to enact legislation to remove all
guns and firearms from private ownership. We, the people, call upon you, our elected representatives, to
enact laws to:

1.Create a one year period for the United States of America to purchase at fair market value all
guns and firearms, including hand guns, rifles, and even antique guns and rifles from domestic
private ownership.

2.Prohibit and criminalize the domestic sale of guns and firearms, whether new or used.

3.Seize and destroy any gun or firearm found after the termination of the purchase period
without compensation.

4.Prohibit and criminalize the domestic possession of a gun or firearm after the termination of
the one year purchase period.

5.Provide exemptions for governmental law enforcement agencies, the armed services, and bona
fide museums.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you The Left.
Socialist Police State:
1) On the top of the food chain we have the Ruling Political Class. I include the National Media in this Class as well as front organizations such as HCI, NOW, PETA.
2)The SecretPolice. NSA, FBI, OFI, DIA, NRO.
3) Lower level Government employees such as the poeple at the DMV and like offices.
4) The Enforcers. ATF,FED Marshals, State police. Local Police. In time, even the local police would go un-armed like in the UK. This firms the grasp of the Ruling Political Class.
5)The Population. You and me. We are controlled and managed like a resource the RPC feeds off. Kind of like now.
Look at the example from the UK where cameras are are in all public areas, linked to police computers that can recognize faces in a crowd despite the application of beards, glasses, etc. This isn't planned, they already have it. They talk about it openly, as they are quite proud of it.
And the Population is, of cource, totaly unarmed.
Combine this dissarmament with a twin camera system in The States and the already existing NSA PhraseNet...Remember, the NSA and FBI get along just perfectly now.
I know comparisons to 1984 are over used, but the situation would be so much the same that finding differances would be difficult.
If you go to the actual petition, you can delete the entire thing and put in your own words. :)

We, the people, are sick of ignorant people trying to take away our Constitutional right.

We, the people, call upon our representatives, to remove all ignorant people out of this country and bring them to a country that is gun free.

We, the people, ask that you do not let them back in as they are lined up at the borders getting shot at, raped and mugged.

We, the people, are faced with two choices: defenseless or defensive.
A few observations:

1) If the best facts that he can come up with to back his claims are editorial cartoons, his arguments must be pretty weak!

2) Isn't that a Beretta 92 on his page? (Or is it the Taurus model? I'm having trouble telling. In either case, the graphic is a mirror image of the actual gun. Another example of folks who don't know about guns wanting to ban them!) Is Baretta interested in taking this use of their gun's image to court?

3) From this guy's bio:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Clark believes a small group of con artists are fooling our citizens into throwing away the rights our founding fathers paid for with their lives.[/quote]

but he is trying to do this himself!

I refuse to be defenseless against the type of people he describes in this petition. I will not give up my guns!

Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other, and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked.
Nehemiah 4:17,18
I checked out the sight and sent this email to the organization:

I find the views expressed on this sight both idiotic and uneducated. Man slaughtered
each other long before the gun was invented, and man will continue to find ways to
slaughter each other long after the gun is replaced by some other sort of technology. It is
not the weapon that is to fear; it is the person holding it.

In addition, if the government were to ever violate a fundamental right guaranteed in the
Constitution, then the nation of the United States would surely fall. However, I will not
quibble with you over the interpretation of the Second Amendment as I am sure that you
would argue another, however unsupported, interpretation. All one need do is read the
Federalist Papers and other writings of the Founding Fathers to see that they intended
for every citizen to own a gun and be trained in the means to use it. But setting that aside,
I'll present you another point to consider.

The United States was not able to keep alcohol from flowing into this country during
Prohibition. All the Eighteenth Amendment did was create a prime environment for
organized crime. The United States is not able to keep illegal drugs from flowing into this
country. The drug culture is by far more a source of the violence threatening our
community than citizens owning firearms. Should the laws that you are proposing ever be
passed, they would create a culture of violence like never has been seen before. A black
market for guns would be created immediately. The hordes of criminals would then be
able to run rampant on a defenseless society. Have you seen the statistics showing the
massive increase of violent crime in Australia sine that nation took away guns from its
citizens? Maybe you should also look at the statistics showing that violations of the
current gun laws that are not being prosecuted. How many of those that have been
prevented from obtaining a firearm by the Brady Bill have been prosecuted?

I will NEVER surrender my arms. As a police officer, I will not participate in the
confiscation of arms. I will not arrest anyone who uses force to retain their arms. In fact,
I'll use force to prevent anyone from carrying out the illegal and immoral laws that you
I have also E-mailed this site. Further more, I altered the petition and title, wrote my own, and sent it off. This anti-gun, anti-freedom ethic is an intellectual travesty. Let us make our feelings known.
I am all for this, actually.

It would start the war.

"3.Seize and destroy any gun..." Easier said than done, especially if it's shooting at you.
How's this for a beginning?

We, the people, are tired of having our schools invaded by paranoid and/or
Socialist educators and psychotic killers. Our schools are for education, not
for creating “gun free” target zones.

We, the people, are tired of being robbed by our political leaders of our
natural Rights, endowed by our Creator, as well as the fruits of our labor
and our savings.

We, the people are tired of our representatives interfering with the natural
Rights of the People - Rights which long precede their privilege of serving

We, the people, are tired of being taxed, penalized, supervised, harassed,
and subjugated by a federal government which exceeds the powers
enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.

We, the people, are tired of passing through metal detectors on our way to
our courts and our governmental buildings. Arm good, honest people and
this will not be necessary.

We, the people, are tired of being victimized by gun carrying criminals.
Restore the Rights guranteed by the Second Amendment and this
victimization will cease forthwith.

While there are many long term solutions that may decrease the number of
human predators in our society, We, the people, the vast majority of our
250 million population, are faced with only one logical choice. We must
protect ourselves and our loved ones.

We, the People, choose to eliminate all infringements upon privately held
guns and firearms in the United States of America.

We, the people, therefore call upon you, our elected representatives, to
enact legislation to remove all such infringements.

We the People, call upon you, our elected representatives, to enact laws to:

1. Create a one year period for the United States of America to establish
subsidized firearms training for all Americans of good moral standing so we
may fulfill the intent of the Second Amendment of having a well-regulated
militia. Such training shall be designed and implemented by a Militia
Training Committee, chaired by the National Rifle Association, and
composed of the top ten firearms training schools in America. Such training
will include extensive live firing of full- and semi-automatic firearms
currently in use by the U.S. military as well as handguns and shotguns
commonly found in the civilian sector.

2. Prohibit and criminalize any and all restrictions upon the domestic sale of
guns and firearms, whether new or used.

3. Prohibit and criminalize any government action to seize or destroy any
gun or firearm capable of being reasonably carried and used by a single
person except upon conviction in court by a jury trial.

4. Prohibit and criminalize the attempt of any American to participate in
elections, to run for public office, to receive any form of federal or state
assistance, to be employed (as an employee or contracted worker), or to
serve in the common defense without appropriate firearms training.

5. Provide assistance or exemptions from training as necessary for the
physically or mentally handicapped.
Well, I couldn't resist getting into the act, so I emailed this:

Dear Mr. Clark,

It seems to me that as one with a good number of decades of observation of "The American Scene", that an alternative petition might be:

We, who have totally avoided rational and responsible child-rearing, who have more important things in our lives than traditional inculcation of values into our children, and who have abdicated responsibility for the results of our actions, have decided the following:

1. It is better to blame the Thing, rather than the misuse of the Thing by those of evil intent.

2. In order to further our wish-fulfillment for an absolutely safe world, we shall deprive others of their peaceful uses of Things we deem undesireable.

3. Although the Courts of the State have held that the State has no responsibility for the protection of any individual, we deny all individuals the right to their own self-protection.

4. As we have infinite faith in the power of the State to protect us from all harm, we hereby petition said State to take actions we deem necessary to create a risk-free world.

We pray this in the Name of the State,

Clark et al.

Sincerely yours,

Art Eatman
Terlingua, Texas

Anyway: Dennis, ya done good.
I wish I could purchase guns outta a vending machine though I suppose they would rip me off like the new generation machine does at my school.

Dennis I just sent yours, was very good and save me a lot of time, thanks.
I sent an email as well here's what I told them...

To whom it may concern,

As a firearms owner and law abiding citizen of the United States of
America I feel I must voice my objections to your petition to ban guns.
I find your simplistic solution to what is a complex problem completely
absurd. The people as a whole and as individuals have a right to defend
themselves and their families from violent criminal actions. The most
effective way to do this is with the use of a firearm. By taking
firearms away from law abiding citizens you will have disarmed a nation,
leaving them at the mercy of any violent criminal wishing to do them
Please explain how you intend to remove guns from the possesion of those
who are criminally inclined. Also explain where the monetary funds for
this program will come from, as they are sure to be excessive. I to am
horrified and disgusted when a child kills another human being
regardless of how they did it. Firearms have been in this nation and
have been in the possesion of its citizens since its founding. You must
then ask yourself why is this rash of violence amoung young people
happening now in recent years. I think the problem is far deeper than
simply the availablity of firearms. To deny a fundamental right to a
nations citizens is far to easy a solution and can only come from the
minds of inept and shortsighted individuals. My objections run far
deeper than can be expressed in words at this time.

M H Miller

[This message has been edited by Artdent.22 (edited December 09, 1999).]
huh - thats odd - that links takes me straight to www.he.net with no links to any petitian.

Looks like they got HACKED...

evil laughter

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
Oberkommando, now you've gone too far. You are just not thinking!

Do you have any idea how many quarters that would be?


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Dennis can use words like I can use an ASP Baton. Blunt with Impact.

God Bless Dennis!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
Well at least he doesn't want to "hunt down and execute, without the nonsense of a trial, every person even suspected of ever having owned a gun or other deadly weapon of any kind." - Citizens Against Guns

I have not heard of the above gang for years; hopefully they found out they all owned something evil and committed suicide.

I too sent an email to this Clark guy but the amazing thing was... He responded to it. He asked me what I thought would stop these kids from shooting up schools. We have been emailing back and forth for awhile now. It's kind of sad. He sounds to intelligent to be taking this ignorant standpoint.
After sending my last email to him, reading all the other TFL posts and talking to my pro-gun friends I went out into the freezing snow for my break time so I could have a cigarette. (Yes I live in Utah; home of the 'indoor clean air act' so my decision to be a smoker leaves me freezing in the snow)
All these different conversations rambled around in my brain becoming a mash of frustrated glop. Then it came to me. All those thought of the good 'ol days where there wasn't much crime. Way back when, when we could think for ourselves without the threat of punishment. All that time ago when there were no retarded laws, no call for gun ban, no interference from the government into our families.
Suddenly I could answer Clark's question on why I think things have gotten way out of hand. Only problem with that is now I have a whole list of things. To many laws, to much government control, and to many infringements on our personal rights.
Why do we expect anymore from these young adults when they are stubbornly refused the right to think for themselves? I remember high school. I was considered a 'bad kid' then because the school system made no sense to me. Learning the same things over and over till I was sick to death of going. So I stopped going. I wasn't learning anything anyway. I was learning much more by sluffing school and reading then I ever did in school.
Back then I was so frustrated because the only thing the system was teaching me is I couldn't stand up for myself. I really meant nothing in the whole scheme of things so if I spoke my mind I could be punished for it.
Freedom of speech…. Gone. The right to keep and bear arms… gone. I felt that the only rights I had were the ones I took. So take I did and stubbornly refused to give them back. Consequently I was kicked out of school, I lost the respect of my parents, family and neighbors. I was no longer 'normal' I'd become nothing but a 'freak' to be feared and scorned, but you know what. I didn't then, nor do I know feel ashamed of what I am or what I did.
Sure I took the hard way about things, sure it took me multiple schools to graduate but I did it, and this was back when I wouldn't have gotten suspended for bringing a knife into school. It might have been taken away, but why do they think its helpful to students to restrict their right to learn by suspending them?
I'm sure school systems have gotten worse sense I was there so I can only imagine what it is like now. Maybe like prison with forks. I feel that if you treat a child like a criminal they will believe you and become a criminal.
I'll end this post with my friend John's words on gun control.

"They think that banning the guns keeps kids from getting them, but we all know that's just not true, guns will be sold like drugs then we NEVER will trace guns to owners in homicide investigations, making it harder yet to identify killers."

Gun control isnt about guns, Its about control.
For 12 years now I have watched the anti crowd. I have paid extremely close attention to who they are to what they are and to where they are. I have read their words and I have listened to their rhetoric.

I have been completely dumbfounded at premises they base their fears and beleifs on. I am utterly amazed at how out-of-touch with reality they truly are. Yet...outside of a few small skirmishes (yes..the war has already begun brother and sister) their crowd has grown and their opinion has remained unchanged.

My first response has always been anger. I have always jumped up on the box and told em'off ----- and yes, it made me feel good. This time is now over. Nothing stops a determined adversary (they are) but that does work both ways (we are as well). All of our preaching has and will continue to fall on deaf ears.


This war is at hand already in all of our towns and on each of our doorsteps.

My message then is to you spineless heads up your as--s cowards who blame inanimate objects when the reasons are this countries decayed morals, the extinct family structure where love, honor, truth and justice are taught and the total lack of respect for human life coupled with our guttless, limpwristed, self-serving politicians who fail time after time to enact laws that deal harshly, brutally and swiftly with those convicted of firearms crimes.

My message to you is make yourselves ready. Make ready for those who will prey on you if what you seek ever comes to pass. And you, the vermin of society. Be ready as well for we are tired of your raping, your murdering and your stealing. BE READY for us. We will rise up and unite in infinite strength and brotherhood and we will give you the fight you didn't even realize you had asked for.

You are evil and we do know you by your true name!

I call on all of you who are a brother or sister to be ready. Join pro-gun and pro-shooting groups. Buy more and keep what you buy. Get your concealed carry permits and contact the pro-gun powers that be a voice your opinions. If and when the time comes we must be ready to fight.

I am prepared.....are you?

This is not a "Oh goodie we get to go to war" attitude I share with you here. This is how we must react if we ever see the day come when our constitution is ripped apart.

I love my life, my wife and child, my house on the hill, and my high profile job. I do not want to lose these things. But, when freedom is taken then ALL will soon be at risk of following.

[This message has been edited by X-KILL (edited December 14, 1999).]
I tried to view the site but came up with the same one George did...something called Hurricane Electric's web page.

Anyway, if they're that passionate about it, let them be men: come and take them from me.
