
cornered rat

www.feminist.org Q and I have emailed them about their misguided endorsement of gun control and confiscation.

Anyone care to follow up on that (they just did a promo-spam of their site, hence a response)? Or is it a total waste of effort?

Even when the fight is lost, take some with you.
I sent them an email outlining (mostly ;)) the Women in the Outdoors program and inviting them to support it. I mentioned the fact that the program encourages women to become involved in activities that are traditionally seen as "male dominated."

I explained the program's format and demographics in great detail, but did not cover the topics of the seminars (including marksmanship, pistolcraft, archery, hunting, etc....)

Hopefully, I'll get a positive response.
I know several "feminists" (sister, sister-in law, etc.) and I would have to say that trying to convince any of them through an organizational approach is probably a waste of time. The mainstream feminist groups are in complete lockstep with the ruling liberal elite (in other words, they're brainwashed) and I doubt if they would allow you an uncensored forum to present your position.
I have found that when approached individually you can usually make more progress by presenting a calm, rational argument, especially if you address the victimization of women and their own empowerment. But, I have found that many so-called "feminists" don't really want to be that independent, otherwise why would they be willing to entrust their safety to the false notion that the police will be able to protect them?

"You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once"

[This message has been edited by Karanas (edited March 05, 1999).]
I am one of those liberal feminists, and I do own and shoot and teach others to shoot firearms. You can't judge all women alike, nor can you judge all feminists alike.

First, let me say clearly that I am not trying to flame you. Just shooting for rational discourse. Deal?
The problem with labeling yourself a "Feminist" or any other label you can think of, is that it automatically brings images to mind. That's what labels are for. That's also why they're often considered a negative thing to do.
As to the premise that you are a liberal who shoots and encourages others to shoot. Nope, sorry, can't have it both ways. Not because I say so, but because the liberals say so. Ask Ted Kennedy, Charles Schumer, Sarah Brady (etc.) They won't call you a liberal, they'll call you a "Member of the misguided Gun culture"
Is it possible that you are not really a liberal but a libertarian? If you're not sure what a libertarian is, check out www.lp.org
and take the "World's Smallest Political Quiz. Ten questions and you'll know the answer. No salesmen will call. :D

Your mind is your primary weapon.
Sorry if I inadvertantly offended you Q. The point I was trying to make to cornered rat was that I thought that he would be more successful presenting his arguments to individuals rather than a group that was probably hostile to his position.
When one is part of a larger organization, it's not unusual to relinquish part of your individuality to the leadership of that group. As individuals, I would like to think that most people are capable of thinking for themselves. But if an issue that someone doesn't particularly concern themselves with comes up they will often follow the lead of those that they trust. Most Americans will walk into a voting booth and pull the lever on certain issues based not on what they themselves may believe in but for what someone else has advised them to do. Perhaps my use of the term "brainwashed" was too strong, but I don't really see much difference between that and following someone blindly.
I do not recall ever seeing a member of any feminist organizations leadership publicly take a pro-gun stance. I am unaware of any feminist group that supports the 2nd Amendment. I don't know of any that are even neutral on the subject. If any exist, I would appreciate having them pointed out to me.
I don't know if their leaders position on this matter was arrived at after careful evaluation of the facts, or this is simply an example of political back-scratching. If it's the former, then a rational argument could get them to alter their position, If it's the latter, then anyone attempting to change their minds is wasting their time.
The simple fact is that the 2nd Amendment doesn't rank very high, if at all, on the agendas of these groups. They have other priorities. They have historically gotten their support for their concerns from liberal politicians and I don't believe that they are going to risk that relationship over this issue.
As individuals, we may disagree with certain aspects of a groups overall philosophy. I don't support everything about the NRA, but as long as we agree on the primary issues I'll send in my dues. The fact that you consider yourself a liberal feminist and yet take a stance that is not in keeping with their official position is encouraging. Obviously, this is a matter that you cared deeply enough about to make up your own mind. The question is how do we convince more women that they have a greater stake in this issue than they realize?
There is a difference between "being a feminist" and "being a member of a feminist group."

There are about a million different "types" of feminists. Anti-pornography feminists, anti-censorship feminists, and anti-anti-porn feminists are three different groups just on the issue of pornography! For the most part, we all have our own definitions for what the word "feminist" means.

It seems natural to me that an independent woman would want to have the ability to protect herself... A woman who isn't too keen on the notion of "needing to be saved" is probably the most likely pro-gun supporter you're going to find.

For many, the word "feminist" brings up connotations of ugly, saggy women that don't shave or ever wear makeup...

For me, personally, being a feminist means finding women more worthwhile as people rather than as "decorations."


I'm not a libertarian. I'm a liberal. You can have it both ways. See countless other threads. ;)

"Oh, grow up, 007."
Exactly, all it takes to be a liberal is a belief in the ability of government to handle problems. Being pro-RKBA doesn't conflict with that, but given the rarity of pro-RKBA liberals like Q, you would think it did.

Why do you think it is necassary to use the label "feminist" ?

Why not just be "Anti-Porn" or "Pro-Porn"
rather than an "anti-porn-feminist" ?

Does that just mean "Bitchy woman who hates porn"? Because that is what it makes me think of.
Rob: ;) I'm a reader of "Bitch" magazine! (Oleg approves... it's one heck of a read). When dealing with photography & art, the reasoning behind my critique of others' and my own work makes me a "feminist." For a long time, I avoided the label. Now, it just doesn't matter any more and I "wear" it with pride.

And speaking of more pro-RKBA feminists... http://www.io.com/~cortese/

"I have never been able to discover exactly what a feminist is; I only know that
people call me one when I express sentiments that distinguish me from a
doormat, or a prostitute" - Rebecca West


[This message has been edited by Q (edited March 08, 1999).]
The question I have for groups like this is. Why do they think their members lives are not worth anything? For when they support gun control they are in effect saying that a criminals life is worth more than your. The muderer or rapist's life is worth more than your.


You crack me up!!! :D

"For many, the word "feminist" brings up connotations of ugly, saggy women that don't shave or ever wear makeup..."

Let's send that one to NOW!

"For me, personally, being a feminist means finding women more worthwhile as people rather than as "decorations.""

Lord, if I value ladies as individuals AND, err, (?decorative?, ?pretty?), I hope that does NOT make ME a feminist - or I am in big trouble with the guys at the range!

You ARE a hoot! :D
Dennis: I should have added the word "merely" or "only" before "decorations." ;)

There are (and you'd be surprised how many) people who do regard the #1 most important aspect (to the exclusion of other aspects) of any woman to be her surface qualities.

Bah. ;)
