WW II hero's historic gun stolen

Note that he got only two years jail time (who knows how long he will really serve) for stealing multiple and valuable public propetry, including a firearm, and they are still willing to make deals with him.
Yes its a shame that we lost a famous man's arm, but it is a bigger shame that we did not get justice.
As with most thefts from museums, it is not a matter of some burglar gaining entry in the middle of the night but of some trusted individual who has access to the object and then violates that trust.
That 10 years probation after he serves his sentence is the hook. His lawyer could not complain about probation and the guy WILL screw up and serve the time.
A small museum near here had an original Henry stolen in a midnight smash-and-grab about a year ago. Fortunately the rifle was recovered but no arrests (much less prosecution) ever came of it. Now the rifle sits in a bank vault where nobody can see it.

Unfortunately I suspect that there are quite a few people in this country that would just as soon put history itself in a dark locked room...
