WTT/WTB - C&H Shellmaster Dies


I realize this is probably a longshot.

I am in search of die sets for a C&H Shellmaster press. I need a 28Ga and a 410. Might also be interested in others for the right deal. They do exist and a 28 sold on eBay a while back but I didn't see it until it was gone. This is not for my daily reloader - I just like C&H.

Carl, I have an old C&H shotgun press that was made in California, all cast iron and looks new with what looks like a powder coat finish. And then there were their dies in the display box. I do not use them because the box was never designed to last this long.

F. Guffey
Interested for sure.

What would you take for the dies and maybe the press too? Can you send a pic?
What would you take for the dies and maybe the press too? Can you send a pic?

I made a big effort to post pictures, after all the effort I am told I need a token; and then I decided if I don’t post pictures I do not need a token.

Catch up; I have never considered selling the press, it does have two sets of dies.
As with any and everything, if I post a picture I will first be required to dig. As to the picture; PM your email address

F. Guffey