WTK - Market price for Norinco M1911 .45?

I doubt I would buy anything on GA, but that price sounds about right. They are good guns; I have put 5000 through one and 2000 through another and you can't tell they have been fired except for blue wear on the rails.


I've made several purchases from gunsamerica and have gotten great deals. Just as in anything you have to be careful and do your homework. I also always make sure there is a 3 day inspection privledge. Then you can return if the item is not as described. I have never had a problem yet.
NIB Norinco's run between the $325 and $350 dollar mark,
here in central BamaLand.:eek: :D :)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Gun List shows two NIB in the $325 -350 range. If one of the rarer ones, Commander size or factory nickle, I'd go more, if NIB or LNIB.
I bought one before Christmas, with box, two mags, and rod. It rates about 85% cosmetically, i.e. unglier than a mud fence, but it does not have many rounds through it. I paid $225, and I thought I got a pretty good deal.:)