WTB - Three 6-48 stainless positive stop plug screws


I am looking to buy three 6-48 stainless positive stop plug screws. Online I can only purchase a dozen for $20.00 and my local gunsmith doesn't have any. Does anyone have any they would like to sell or a suggestion on where to purchase only three of them.

Nope. Those are specialty items and hardware stores don't carry them. Outfits like Brownells don't sell them in small numbers because the cost of handling makes the individual cost prohibitive.

Normally, any wants of buying or selling of items are only allowed in The Gun Show forum or the Handloading forum. However, these are specialized parts that more than likely a gunsmith is going to be able to help. Therefore, be advised fellow members. We're leaving it here.
We have great Mods on this forum. Very nice, Tuttle8. Thank you.


I'll check my stash in the morning as I know I have some 6-48 positive stop plug screws, but not positive of the amount of stainless screws. I know I have blue screws, just not sure about the stainless. If I have them, I'll send a PM.
Thanks tuttle8 for allowing my post to stay in this forum. Sorry if I broke any rules but I thought that this would be the only place I would get a response.

Hoghunting, thanks for taking the time to look for the screws.

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Sorry if I broke any rules but I thought that this would be the only place I would get a response.

With someone searching for something like this that's obviously very difficult to locate but a gunsmith may be able to help, bending the rules was the prudent thing to do. :)