WTB Taurus Revolver


My wife is really wanting to get the Taurus 85 SS with gold trigger and the rosewood handles she is not intrested in another , any suggestions I have found one on gunbroker ($329) and that is all. Can the regular taurus 85 be modified with a gold trigger? Is there any for sale websites on taurus any info would be appreciated, or anyone have one for sale. We Live in East Texas.
Go here, put in your zip # and it will give you some peopel seeling that model.

That is the sight that Taurus uses on their products page whenever you click the buy it now link.
I have never used it, so I cannot vouch for it though.

Hope I helped, Good luck!

EDIT: Hmmm, guess I missd where you said stainless steel. The Taurus website says the SS gold accented 85 is available, but there is no buy it now link to use the gun locator with...