WSJ Article:Gun Myths debunked

Mike in VA

New member
Quick heads up - good article in today's (11/11) Wall Street Journal by John Lott: "Gun Control Advocates Purvey Deadly Myths". It's on teh next to last page of the A section. Quick, to the point read. Copy it, share it. BTW, thanks to all the Vets out there who defend/defended our freedoms, God Blees you all. M2
I subscribe to WSJ Online - anyone want an e-mail copy of the article please e-mail me. It should work even if you're not a subscriber. Too bad more people won't see this - Lott needs to do an article for People or something.
I agree that Lott's article needs much more exposure to the general public. However, the article does not conform to the liberal political agenda of mainstream rags (sorry, publications) like People. Or Time. Or Newsweek. If you look at the corporate parents of these printed materials, you'll find the owners/board of director members, major shareholders, etc., deep into the pockets of groups such as HCI. Showing only one, slanted, and biased view on an issue sounds a while lot like "propaganda" to me.
Someone over at downloaded it and put it on their web site. Here is the address for all those interested: