"Wrong" hand position?


New member
I was out window shopping with my GF a couple of months ago and the salesman commented on my hand position/ stance saying that I must have been raised on wheelguns (I was holding a pistol at the time).
I use a modified Chapman stance with the supporting hand cupped beneath the firing hand instead of around it.
They taught me the other way in the service, but it never felt natural to me. Should I be concerned about this or just keep doing what I'm used to?
Not always, but I attribute that to my lousy aim ;)
No, it's actually more stable than the other way since I can triangulate my supporting arm against my chest. Therefore my shots are more precise. Also, I haven't had any cycling problems and my supporting hand is farther away from the slide.
So...nothing to worry about?
So...nothing to worry about?

There are some instructors out there that are purists. They believe there's only one way, and that's their way. The truth is, everyone's built just a little different, and what works for one, won't necessarily work for someone else. Comfort = accuracy. If you're comfortable in your stance, and you're hitting your target, go for it. If you're trying to twist your body in uncomfortable knots to acquire a "proper" stance, you won't hit beans.
Cupping your hand under the gun is about the same as shooting one handed from a floating bench. If you aren't shooting well then it is time to switch.

The best shooters all use similar grips you have Rob Leatham,Jerry Miculek,and Brian Enos. Good luck.
While its great to say that the pros do that way and that makes it the best, there is an actual reasoning behind the stance they use. One thing to remember is that pros spend a lot of time doing what they do to reach their level of proficiency. More than likely, they have also studied various methods from various people to arrive at their way of doing things.

The actual idea behind the support hand being in front of the shooting hand is to have the gun under tension. The shooting hand pushes forward while the supporting hand pulls backwards. This helps stabilize the hands and helps to control recoil. With the cup and saucer grip, the shooting hand is the only hand controlling the recoil. While the gun can be put under tension vertically, it is less stable than front to back tension.

While Captain Charlie has a valid point saying shoot what feels comfortable, there is no denying the fact that most professionals use the grip shown in three gun's post. Might as well learn from the best!
Since I have been shooting I have always held my support hand finger on the trigger guard of both revolver and auto.

Its not correct according to the experts. Its what I am used to. I shoot OK...in fact I shoot pretty good.

Sometimes I even put my off hand in my back pocket. Thats shows my age.

I also cock a DA revolver on the draw. Old NYC cop taught me that. Its unsafe :)

If it works and feels good then it probably is

I do one of the worst no-no's, I place my weak hand index finger in front of the trigger guard.
For me it works and helps me with second shot placement with both index fingers pointing along the same line as the barrel. I have trained many people, starting them out and have always told them not to do this but for me it works, and I can hit with it.
I also found out another reason this works better for me: I'm cross-dominant (lefty with dominant right eye). I've been employing the "Quell method" (didn't know there was such a thing) and it's very awkward unless I support from underneath.
I love this forum :D
Alot of guns have serations on the trigger guard for one reason, your finger.I find myself sometimes putting my finger on my CZ trigger guard, when im doing fast reloads, and not concentrating on my grip. I seem to shoot just as well, so it's not a concern. As long as you dont grab your strong hand with your weak hand thumb up by the slide, youll be alright.:D The push pull grip works best for me.
I also shoot with the weak hand cupped under the strong hand. I find it reduces tremors in the arm, and adds support to the wrist.