Write Your State Legislators


New member
Oregon is examining new reciprocity legislation. By default those states who's permits become valid in Oregon should recognize the Oregon State concealed carry license. This is just one pro-gun bill of many being introduced not only in Oregon but in states across the country. Unfortunately, there are many other bills and ideas being pushed by those who think that firearms should be regulated and outlawed.

The Obama administration has been quite plain - he is no friend to the 2nd amendment. The Democratic majority is loaded with anti-gun sentiment and has the President's ear, and vote. But I'm wondering, who's ear do you have? Have you communicated with your state representatives? It is not just NRA members who should be kicking and screaming regarding gun rights - it should be every American.

The 2nd amendment was placed there to protect the people against a tyrannical government. Most Americans are unaware that it is an established fact that the fundamental principle of American law that a government and its agents are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any individual citizen.'' Warren v. District of Columbia, 444 A.2d 1 (D.C. Ct. of Ap., 1981). With this in mind we all need to have our voices heard.
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Have you communicated with your state representatives?

So far I haven't seen any bad legislation coming down the pike for KY. But I contacted the governor of VA where I used to live about a restaurant bill being passed...again...and hopefully for those guys he doesn't veto it this year.

BTW many of you guys might be pleasantly surprised to find out the lawmakers actually DO write back most of the time. At the very least they send a canned "Thank you for writing" response.
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As a matter of fact, yes. Last week I wrote eleven letters to state legislators and one to the Governor. I make it a point to not only write but encourage my friends to do so as well.