Wrestler running for Mayor of Memphis.


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Professional wrestler Jerry "The King" Lawler is running for mayor of Memphis,TN. The popular local celeberity was first considered a long shot with little hope of winning. However, Lawler has proven to be an able opponent who just makes good sense with his view that goverment's job is to serve the people. "If you keep electing professional politictians, no matter who wins, you just get more of the same. The people are tired of business as usual in city hall."says Lawler.
One of his key issues is a demand for honesty and accountability from the Mayor and City Council.
While opponents say a vote for him is wasted, Lawler counters saying "Enough people wasted their vote in Minnasota to elect a new governor."
Add to this that the race between incumbent mayor Willie Herenton and his chief rival Joe Ford has degraded into the worst kind of mud slinging contest, many Memphians are expressing real digust with the current state of the city and supporting Lawler.
Lawler is now running a strong third in the polls and has a real chance of winning.

I don't live in Memphis, but just outside of it. So what happens there does have an effect on me. Lawler has made more sense than all the other candidates combined. I really hope he wins.
I posted this as an example of how many people in this nation are fed up with government and business as usual from it.

Maybe we should just scrap congress and turn our government over to the WWF! ;)
Yes! The "resistance" is growing into the "revolution"!

To "professional" politicians:

See you at the voting booth, sucker!
Grayfox and Dennis, Here in WI., when a "career politician" loses an election he is provided with a "job" in the party of their affiliation. Then they surface in some other election race in later years. The founders surely didn't foresee politics as a career, and it is hard to fight this trend. Maybe we need more Kings and Bodies stirring things up a bit.


Until now, it has been "loyalty to the party" which ensured a politician's career.

We must change that to:

"Loyalty to the People ensures a politican's career!"

Together we can do it.

Vote your conscience, not your fears.
Libertarians support RKBA!
We need more politicians that are capable of pile-driving Andy Kaufmann (as did Lawler, long ago).
Is that the same ford that shot at that truck driver a year or so ago, if it is his family is entrenched and I hope ya get em out of there.......fubsy.
I've been thinking about your comment about career politicians. I agree.

A ruling class of friendly, cooperative career politicians is not in America’s
best interest. We are supposed to be a republic - not an oligarchy.

We've ended up with two major parties "in the business" and these
professional politicians are in politics for the "long haul". They all know
each other, many are truly friendly with each other and will work to avoid
causing each other problems. They all know that, eventually, this
Republican will need the help of that Democrat, or vice versa. They've
learned to protect their careers and call it "political reality".

For America to thrive, the political parties must maintain enough of an
adversarial relationship for each party to be a watchdog over the other.
Yet they must cooperate enough to benefit our country.

Right now, we have cooperation between the parties for the benefit of
the politicians - the country is seldom considered. So government grows
as our legislators increase their clout and therefore their revenue.

Political "reality" comes first. We come last.

Well, that kind of political "reality" is merely a euphemism for "lack of

The bluster of these wrestlers represents a different type of political
reality. The professional politicians will stress the wrestlers’ lack of
political expertise. What they really mean is these wrestlers won’t play
the professional politicians’ game of cooperation.

These wrestler types are from "outside the system", beholden to no one,
unentangled and unencumbered by decades of obligations and political
scratching of each others’ backs.

These wrestlers may be showmen. They may come from a wrestling
showplace where the winner was pre-determined months in advance.
But these straight-talking, blunt, loud men are a refreshing change from
the “professionals”. They have the appearance of honesty and
trustworthiness - traits seldom seen in politics these days.

American voters have been bombarded with politicians’ lies and scandals
for years. But these tragedies now occur quicker and quicker. And the
lies and scandals are no long about a little graft here or a little girlfriend

Our American government of which we were once so proud, has become
increasingly confiscatory - taking our money with their taxes, our
Constitutional Rights with their gun laws, and even our lives as they kill
American citizens.

These wrestlers reflect Americans' gut feeling that, "It's time for a
change." They are right!

Vote your conscience, not your fears. Vote Libertarian! RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited September 06, 1999).]
No, its not the same Ford. Its his brother. The one you are thinking about is John Ford. BTW: John got in trouble again last year when he pulled a shotgun on a Utilities crew that was blocking his driveway. He got away with it, of course.
The entire Ford family is indeed deeply entrenched in Memphis politics. They hold such political power that they can do just about whatever they want and aren't a bit shy about showing that power off. They are the worst kind of political scumbags.
Joe Ford is the front runner in the mayor's race and is expected to win. Incumbent mayor Willie Herenton is a true idiot and definetly needs to be replaced, but giving the Ford family free run of the city would be a tragic mistake. That's why Lawler is gaining so much support. The people of Memphis are sick and tired of these power hungry a$$holes.
God, I'm glad I don't live in Memphis.