Wow... Ft Sam Houston Just Blocked THR Forum

I live and work on a navy base...and we also get certain sites blocked out of the blue. It usually gets cleared up once someone shows the help desk folks it's not what they or the automated nanny system thought it was. I've seen colleges and even EMT continuing education sites pop up on the blocked list.
The last 20 of 33yrs. I worked in government all gun sites plus non work related sites where blocked. Nothing unusual about that.

Course, we had an administrator that often would call a computer buddy of mine to go to his office and clear his computer when it hung up on a **** site.:rolleyes:
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I stayed on a British Army base for a while. You could visit social media sites but not gun sites. It was hilarious if sad. Strangely THR was not blocked.
Just about all gun related sites are blocked at work. Instead I use my iPads wifi to access my works more private backbone. No filters whatsoever.
Government computer, government equipment, on government time... Yup, should have been blocked a long time ago, unless it is government related work you are doing that involves that site.

Would you pay me to surf the internet, using your computer?
UncleBuck...some of us are deployed and live within the areas where we work....for your info....

I live about 10 yards from my office on a U.S. Navy base in Africa.
I have to concur with Uncle Buck on this one. Social media surfing on company's time and company's computer should be banned, with some exception... is if your job deals with legal/LE issues with these "sites".

Carry, don't they have MWR facilities (with computers) for personal use at your location?
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Go right ahead and concur....It doesn't matter, we are allowed to use social media on our govt computers by order of the Secretary of Defense.

Yes, we have MWR facilities.....

Like I previously said, most of these blocks usually get cleared up pretty quickly.
In a kind of "well, the opposite can occur as well" situation, we had the US Army Corps of Engineers streamflow data site blocked.

The blocking software said the site was "A site known to be associated with weapons." :)

The particular office is staffed by weather forecasters and hydrologists...

As we rely on the streamflow data for feedback to our operations at a dam, I reported the block and our IT people removed it.
Cary - When I was stationed in the greatest AA Camp in the world, exceptions were made. When I was state side, a lot of the sites I liked were blocked.

Last I checked, Ft Sam Houston was still state-side.

Yeah, we all had that mess around time :D, but we never complained about not having access to the places we were not supposed to messing on. :p
Uncle Buck, true, Fort Sam is stateside, but that does not mean what he's doing is wrong, the SECDEF has made his ruling, location does not matter, it is allowed, he's the boss of such, that's it until he's overruled by his boss....

You are on track about "not supposed to be messing", if it's wrong, it's wrong, and should not be done. But for now, social media on govt computers is allowed.

Now, this does not mean work is put aside for surfing the Internet, the productivity has to be there. There is productivity and bandwidth monitoring, people do get shut off, counciled, etc......I've seen it.

Gun sites such as TFL are allowed, I don't surf THR.
I work for a govt contractor, and many years ago, when govt computers were first becoming common on site, any non-govt use was an instant death offense.

Today we are allowed to check out personal home email, and even use the web to get "news". But every site we visit, and the time spent there is tracked. Many gun sites are blocked. Others are not. There doesn't seem to be any standard of logic to it, at least from what I can see.
Instead I use my iPads wifi to access my works more private backbone. No filters whatsoever.

Not allowed in the bat cave where I work now. Bring in a cell phone and they will lock the place down. Hell, bring in a anything that plugs into a computer and they get freaked out.