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Wouldn't it be nice to actually discuss Political and legal issues without...

Are you tired of the RP Trolls attempts to hijack threads.

  • YES

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • NO

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't Care

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters


New member
The RP trolls hijacking any thread that poses a threat to their candidate. There are several individuals trolling this area who have a specific agenda and that is to drag every topic OFF-TOPIC.

Sure they have posted a couple of times in the gun forum, but only to make it look like they aren't trolls.

It appears that many websites are having to deal with these agitators and several websites have banned RP topics and the over-zealous members who continue to tear down anything that is not pro RP.

There are a select few who continue to continue to try to agitate the majority with a candidate who polls less than 1% of the national vote.

So I thought I would post a poll to see how the members feel about this issue.
Wouldn't it be nice to actually discuss Political and legal issues without...
The RP trolls hijacking any thread that poses a threat to their candidate.

As spongebob would say... "Well, good luck with that then!" :D
I appreciate the sentiment, xnavy, but it is not just Ron Paul supporters that drag down good threads. The main problem is that some of our regular members have taken on the tone and tactics of the trolls and it's getting hard to tell the good from the bad anymore. Shrill is shrill regardless of whether I like the tune or not.

I'd be really happy if the "trolls" were just ignored and we had a few L&P threads that were polite and members were respectful of each other. It would make it easier to spot the trolls if the members were less troll-like.

I'm going to close the poll in this thread and move the thread to S,Q&TS with a redirect.

It HAS become more and more often that members (those that frequent L&P know who they are) will intentionally throw threads they disagree with off topic, or troll, or bait so they get locked.

I think if you point it out in a CIVIL tone it can help keep between the ditches. Don't bite the bait, call it out. Don't feed the troll, call it out. And don't reply to the off topic posts except to call em out. And do so in a CIVIL way.

I often tell my kids that it's not what happens, it's how YOU RESPOND that will get them the outcome they want.

Don't expect people to be fair, reasonable, or just. But when they get unfairness, unreasonableness, and injustice as a response then nobody gets the outcome they desire.

My $.02.........
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Heres my .02

There are guys here who I have very little in common with politically but who I can converse with either on the phone or debate on the Board in a fun fashion. These are long term senior members who share the same interest in guns as we all (or most) of us do, they just have dumb political ideas ;).

But we can talk about it....:D

What gets my goat, and I have no hesitation about saying this, are folks who are on this board SOLELY to advance their political agenda and end up making outrageous statements and claims that are so silly sometimes as to cast discredit on this Board...those claims of course being coupled with all those os so trendy political adjectives.....

I will continue to respond as nicely as I possibly can (which isn't real nice i reckon, but one must recognize ones own psychological flaws) simply so lurkers don't think that gun owners are as fringe as the elitist left thinks they are....

This goes along with my general irritation about those who come off like Attila the Hun whenever a crime story is mentioned...but hey, I'm gonna be a goodfella and hit that report button instead of wasting my karma on trying to keep people nice....nice enforcement belongs to the Mods...

And with apologies and attribution to that great American Philospher, Tamara, please don't presume to tell me the way the world works if you were in diapers when I was getting married for the third time


PS...the above is why I absent myself from L&P on occasions....I just want to be alone, dahling ;0
I do get tired of the loss of civility. What happened to disagreement and discussion? We don't have to agree. In fact it's boring if we do. Lets exchange points of view. Then think about what is written or said and perhaps respond. Perhaps don't respond, just think. :)

I think some of the threads get onto topics that people have very strong feelings about and they can't help making a comment that is tinged with confrontation. I don't like to think I ever do this, but I am sure that some people have taken my comments personally, the same way I have theirs.

The liberal v. Conservative threads usually get derailed into contentious arguments after a very short time, but I attribute this to the ever widening divide in our culture.

I do see the same people agitating some threads and I know they do it just for the argument or to push some bizarre agenda, but some people (myself included) can't resist calling them out when they say something insanely ignorant.

I'll certainly think twice about this now, because I do get tired of threads being constantly venomous and then being closed. I do think some staff get a little premature in closing some threads though.
Seems as though discussion is a lost art. The most uncivil posts seem to come from those who are soapboxing...making a statement, expecting affirmative reponses, then ripping into those who dare to disagree. Funny...always thought forums were intended for civil (albeit sometimes heated) discourse.
Seems as though discussion is a lost art.

Because we're doing it on the net instead of face-to-face. I think you lose out on 70% of effective communication. Why? Because IMO that's the approx. percentage of communication that's NON-verbal...

It is becoming a lost art in a sense. But, it has been great to cummunicate to people all over the world without much effort...