Would you use profiling to avoid breaking the law?

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"Profiling" is a very politically loaded word. In practice, it is using a list of easily discernable common factors to create a "profile" of a person that is more likely to be engaged in some sort of behavior. Personally, I think it is a valuable tool for law enforcement.

I think that as citizens we do the same thing all the time, often without thinking about it. There are certain nieghborhoods I avoid because I assume that they are less safe than others. Things I pick up on are young men and teenagers congregating on the street corner, people openly smoking and drinking what appears to be pot and alcohol, and nieghborhoods where cars that appear to be abandoned or in severe disrepair ere left on the side of the road or haphazzardly distributed in someone's yard.

I've made quite a few private sales and purchases of firearms over the last 20 or so years, and I would nevere buy a firearm in an area like that described above.

Additionally, I would back out of a deal if I talked to the person on the phone and they had a thick Spanish accent. My concern would be that they are illegal immigrants (I live in Fl where there are alot of migrant workers).

Furthermore, if I met someone that had what looked like alot of Jailhouse tattoos or talked like a thug I would also back out of a FTF deal.

Those are basic profiles that I use. Can anyone offer any other things you look for or take action on?
Well, you're being very conservative and risk-averse in your criteria, but that's fine - whatever works for you.

You're going to get a lot of "false positives" though, as there are plenty of American citizens in Florida with thick Spanish accents, as well as law-abiding citizens that talk like "thugs".
One of the nice things about making a sale or purchase through a website like this or www.assaultweb.net is that it allows you to search what kind of posts a person has made in the past to get a feel for what kind of person they are.

I was once contacted by someone that sked me if I'd mail a gun directly to him, I still can't figure out if that was a potential ATF sting or if it was just an idiot.

I've gotten a bad vibe on more than one occasion and when I said that I needed the transaction to go through an FFL where we'd meet and split the $20 fee they never called back.
Sure. Every time I have to deal with a white anglosaxon I walk away from any transaction because he is obviously in a paramilitary militia and we know how those people roll. You know the Timothy McVeigh type. Either that or then he must be a skinhead for sure. You know, the white suprematists that believe in the KKK. I really don't want to get involved with anyone like that.
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I dont care whether thier race,color, or creed, if they dont give me a "warm fuzzy" feeling I do not let my comfort level relax!
If I'm buying or selling a firearm and I dont have a good comfort level with that person it's not going to happen.
Folks - a private sale could be to the next Ted Bundy or Osama Bin Ladden.

We are a diverse country of many good people from all backgrounds and vice versa.

Use common sense and the "Force".

But the Force tells me this can go awry from some comments already.

Closed, young Skywalker.
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